I am finally collecting things to build my rod with. I have a 6 wt Scott A2 blank. I am working with another FAOL person on a custom grip. I am planning on using a REC saltwater seat with fighting butt. Since the blank is matte black, I am considering black guides as well. I see Hook&Hackle has some black guides. I am also going to use some black thread but . . .
I would like to make the thread see through or translucent so I can see the guide feet. How do I do that? Certain type of thread?
White silk will go clear when you apply flex coat. For a true see through finish go over to rodbuilding .org and search for permagloss threadless wrap. I have not tried it but there are several guys who just use straight permagloss, no thread, to hold the guides.
also remember to touch up the guide feet where you file them down. a Sharpie works good.
Here’s a photo of what you may be trying to accomplish.
The process was done using white silk and Flexcoat Lite. The first coat (wet out) was done with thinned FC Lite (acetone per instructions on FC site). The second coat was done with straight FC Lite.
So now it’s looking like a custom handle with a couple different types of cork. Black guides, clear (white silk gone clear) wraps and a black REC saltwater seat.