
If some one asked you to put up some cash in an investment in this product would you, I for one think not as to me there is not to much of a niche market for these, I could be wrong but cost alone would put me off.

No. No, I would not.

In a word, “no”.

Just what the world needs, another $500 overpriced product endorsed by some minor celebrity. yawn.

If you check Flybc FFBB you will see all kinds of responses to this exact same type of post…

This is almost in the same category as that darn movie… there will be nincompoops thinking that because they have the reel they are fly fishers, and we will have to suffer their - ineptitude until they are lost or show some promise and become actual fly fishers and not posers…

As with That darn movie…

No! No! No! 8T :frowning:

No. Only in 7/8, expensive niche product. Might be of interest to collectors, as they likely won’t sell many, and could have value as a curiosity 50 years down the road,:wink:

Absolutely NO!. And, if for no other reason than that it has that DORK’s name on it.


No I wouldn’t. There are a number of very well made reels available with an excellent track record of reliability and support. These may be good reels, but I doubt that they can gain any appreciable share of the marketplace in a very competative marketplace. Just my opinion.

Jim Smith

The guy has rotten judgement anyway…

The whole Sandra Bullock thing?

Have you seen his clothing line?

I think he has a line of cookwear as well as some auto/motorcycle related products…all of which are showing up in discount bins and dollar stores now…just another person willing to scatter his name onto anything that flashes by for profit…

So, no, I’d not invest in this.

But then again, if it ain’t all MINE, I wouldn’t invest in ANYTHING…so my view may be a bit skewed…I’d rather be completely in charge of a little than be among others controlling a lot…

Good Luck!


At $500? No.

But, I’ll be honest… I don’t care much about Jesse James, motorcicles, or implied badassery, but I do dig cool looking reels…and yeah, that’s a pretty sweet looking reel.

If these were smaller, and produced and sold at the same rates as the rest of the Asian import stuff we’re seeing more and more of (ie, >$175), I’d pull the trigger on this before most other no-names.

What a joke. I wouldn’t buy one. That cat should have stuck to bikes. He stuff looks stupid on a fly reel.

I can’t afford one that pricey, my rifles don’t cost that much!

To be honest, I don’t know who Jesse James is, but it seems like the marketing blurb stresses the looks of the reel rather than the function. You have to wonder if the design process spent too much time on the externals, perhaps at the expense of the internals.