This photo NEEDS a story to go with it.

This photo needs a story to go with it. Anyone care to give it a try?

Boy - was old Willy surprised when he stuck a size 20 blue wing olive in that limb and the 7X held long enough to pull it down !!!

Boy, I’m sure glad I brought my BIG NET. I hear the bluegill in this stream are HUGE!

big dead tree has a labyrinth as a root system.

You can’t tell it from the picture that the shallow water
drops off radically from 6 inches to about 4 feet deep.

I better get that Charmin-to-go out.

As Bubba stalked that 8" brookie, he kept thinking, if I could just get a little closer I know I can bring him to my 24" net.

He finally, after two hours of stalking, reached the optimum position to present his dressed #10 Muddler Minnow. This was it, the moment of truth!
His Muddler plopped, the trophy brookie took immediately. Bubba, being totally stoked, ripped his hook set upward, striking the broken tree immediately above him and sent it crashing down on his all ready throbbing noggin!

As he lay soaked to the bone in his penultimate stretch of home waters, with a big knot forming on his upper cranium, he exlaimed “this is what fly fishing is all about”.

He slowly dragged himself to dry land, ripped open his humongous backpack (which contained a full case of Budweiser) and sated his wicked thirst and cursed the fly fishing gods! After about 10 of those “King of Beers” he attained philisophical Nirvana and stumbled back to his Corolla shouting "you’ll come to an untimely end my fontanalis friend, when your belly meets my buttery frying pan!

He thought, while attempting to keep the “trout wagon” on his side of the road, “this is a day I will never forget”!

So the guide kept telling me to watch my backcast – but I wasn’t supposed to get my fly caught up in that tree for the seventh time either – now he’s telling me to mend my line – don’t spook the fish – try to lay my line onto with the water without such a splash – something about getting a better turnover with my leader – a better presentation – but when he yelled “Set the hook” I SET THE HOOK

I got to go Peeee I got to go Peeeeee !!! damn waders … ohhhh Brook trout 12 o:clock damn I got to go Peeee …

Make a perfect cast, fly will be in the zone for a nanosecond, a nanosecond is only 0.000000001 second, so I’m counting on you Mr. Brown! Please don’t let me down! Like Ray said “I gotta peeeee!”

Hey Joe! Look out that limb is gonna fall. JOE!!! Where are you? Joe? Oh well, More fishes for me.

I’m not sure if I brought a big enough net.

I think anyone that fishes with me MUST bring a small net.

Daaaa aaaaaamn


One of my fishing buds is a High School English Teacher.

I ran it by him. Told him I thought english class was usually boring and lame
in High School. Why not have a fun project. WHY not encourage them to be
writers about the outdoors?

He has taken on the challenge or lets say his 9th grade class has.

Their project for the rest of this 9 weeks…1.5 weeks to write

a story to go with the photo. Each student is required to write a

300 word story to go with the photo. The teacher will be the judge

of the story.

I write for a couple places monthly and I am going to submit the story and photo to the

editor with the story behind the project and see if it sails.

A study has been done recently and there is an alarming statistic. Children are NOT
in the outdoors like years past. I think anything that might cause more interest is worth trying.

Great idea spinner!!! Certainly should generate some interesting stories from the students – keep us posted – and include examples if you can!!!

The short fat guy is me with the big net. I looked over the log entry for that day, which by the way was 7/1 of this year. We started the day early and it was hot. The bugs were in swarms and I wrote about a comment that I made that I should bring salt and pepper with me the next time because I ate so many of them they needed some seasoning.

The brush was thick in this part of this stream. It sure wasn’t a manicured walk area with seats positioned in front of fish cribs or lunker structures. We were the only ones fishing that I saw and life was good. I also commented that Spinner caught more fish that day throwing a Panther Martin than I did with various flies. Some times I do better and other times he does. It was damn hot and too many bugs but it was a grand day with a good friend and for that I am thankful. I did manage a brown or two but it wasn’t a 50 fish day. By the way I have shared those days with Spinner too. I look at that shot and I smile. I imagine that not many had made it back that far into the “jungle”.


We (My buddy Matt and I) have a local newspaper and
an online EMagazine that are interested in running the
story and picture after the writing has been graded by
Matt (English Teacher).

Anything that can bring young anglers and hunters back to the
outdoors and get them out from in front of their game console is
good by me.

Using the outdoors to help develop or unlock creativity -especially in children, is simply a good thing.

X marks the spot.The end