This one was for the WTO

Hey guys, I was tying a fly for the Tuscanny open, but due to job couldn’t finish it on time, here are some pics it isn’t finished yet, but I think it will be finished by sunday.

The wings

The body with first color

The body with second color

The body with legs

It still needs detailing and the wings of course hehehe

Hope you like it


i can’t wait to see the finished product. I cant wait :slight_smile:

how about posting the finished fly???

i dont see how the wings are gonna be attached!!

Hopefully the finished fly will be posted on monday :lol:

Norm, the wings will be tied with a small tag end the will be left when trimming them, to this tag I’ll glue a small piece of 8X tippet material and that will be tied to the thorax, after that every tying point wil be covered with raffia and then colored.


i really like that one

HOLY CRAP - that’s awesome! Very nice details…especially the wings. Can’t wait until you get it completed.

BTW - spent a night or two in your fair city on my way from Mexico City to go climb Pico de Orizaba.

Jim, when are you coming to the pico dde orizaba?? I live about one and a half hour drive from it :slight_smile:

Fly not ready yet, but tonight i’ll finish it


Hey CC - I went down and climbed it two separate times - once in 99 and the other in '00.

I loved it - it was a great climb!!! Great experience all the way around.

Jim, great, I have climbed it 3 times now and it is awesome, I fish some rivers close to it not very big trout but wild as they can get.


TOO FUNNY! I never thought to bring my flyrod…I was always spending my spare time sitting at 11,000 or 14,000 feet aclimating, and here I could have been chasing the local fish population around!

It’s a great view from the top, eh? A long haul getting up there - but nice once you arrive. And safe to say that, given there’s usually no one on Denali (aka McKinley) at the time of year in Alaska, you’re the tallest person in North America.

Nice to know there’s another climbing/flyfishing guy out there…I thought “Wild One” and I were the only ones…

Jim, next time you are around here, let me know and I’ll take you to the rivers :slight_smile:

The thing here is that if you want to reach wild trout rivers, you HAVE to climb, there is no other way, they are mostly small fish, but its not unusal to catch a 4 or 5 lb fish :shock:

Did you get to see the gulf of mexico from up there?? because when the sky is really clear you can see the sea and man it is beautiful


Nah - I missed the gulf from my view…layer of clouds at about 14k that obscured the distant views.

I have pics of the climb on my website at…although it’s been YEARS since I’ve updated anything and am in desperate need to spend some time on it…

A friend of mine from Denver has me interested in going backpacking out in Colorado to hit some of those high mountain streams and lakes. I can’t hink of a better reward after a long morning slogging up a trail than to spend the afternoon fishing water that maybe sees 4-5 flyrods a month!