This ever happen to you?

I was fishing two wet flies about 18 inches apart for bluegill. I flipped into the water and started a slow retrieve and almost immediately had a hit and set the hook. I landed a small gill maybe 7 inches that had inhaled both of the flies. I have caught many many fish using a two fly combo but this is the first time I can remember one fishing taking both flies. I have caught two fish, one on each fly or one fish legally hooked on one fly and foul hooked on the other, but never one fish gobbling both flies in only the few seconds the line was in the water.


Hi Panman…Thus far, haven’t nailed two fish with dropper flies but years, ago, was fishing some tree tops on Table Rock Lake in MO, and was “walking the dog” with a Zara Spook. Two bass went for it and both took it, landed both.

Not exactly , but close , When I was a kid I was fishing a WORM under a bobber and got a 12 inch rainbow that also hit my friends leech. Luckily we were throwing back 12 inchers so a fight between us for possesion of it never ensued. We were fooling around and hadn’t noticed that both bobbers were bobbing so I don’t know how long it was between the two takes. We were fishing only about 20 feet apart on a small pond.

20 years or so back there was a story in one of the fishing magazines about someone fishing off Victoria Harbor getting a rockfish on, then having a 6 lb lingcod swallow that, who was inturn swallowed by a 50 lb lingcod. He landed all three fish.

I’ve had it happen a lot with bluegills when fishing two subsurface flies. It’s caused by how a 'gill eats. Their mouths are small, but they have some space ‘inside’ for several bugs at a time. When food is plentiful but small, they will attack and cram into their mouth cavity what they can until it’s full, THEN swallow it all. More efficient that way.

Had it happen a couple of times on lakes with trout. Figured I’d just slept through the first take…

Never had it happen in moving water.

Good Luck!


Not to me, but I rarely fish two wet flies at the same time.
It is mainly due to my casting inability. I get them tied up with each other too often.
