
Anyone try them? I usually high-stick/short line or whatever you want to call it, but there are a couple of streams I fish that I’m not comfortable doing that - usually wider streams when I can’t get reletively close. I use the pinch-on foam and have tried most of the others and didn’t like them (Biostrike, Fish pimp, Frog hair, Yarn, etc).

They work well enough. Like yourself, I high stick a tight line as much as possible but when you’ve got to reach across multlipe braids of current and have 20-40’ of line laying on the water…they are good. I’m a fan of yarn indicators as well and the TMB’r cast ALOT easier…

I like them. Over the years I’ve probably used all the varieties of indicators out there and none of them are totally satisfactory; they all have one problem or another associated with them. Assuming you have good eyes I agree that when you fish with a short line the best solution probably is no indicator at all.

But the Thingamabobber has a lot going for it. Its light, has almost no wind resistance, floats high, is durable, is easy to attach, and doesn’t come off when you don’t want it to. The only negative is that you sometimes have to use a leader straightener to fix your leader if you move or remove it. I use the 3/4 inch version in turbulent white water but otherwise stick to the half inch version.

I have used them and I like them. They are easy to put on/take off the leader. They also cast well and are very visible.

In general if the conditions warrant an indicator than a Thingamobber is a good indicator to use.

Thanks all. Sounds like they’re worth a try.