The 'Tickets' are back.

Yes they are, sorry for the delay, techi stuff, but they are back and to be eligible for the drawing you need to make sure you’re signed up and have filled out both sets of questions to double your ticket number. If you signed in before you are still ‘in’ but check anyway just to make sure.
Remember, as before, only those entered will have a chance at the drawing. Good luck. :):smiley:

JC, can you tell us more or point to a thread that explains this. Where are the tickets? For what drawing? Thanks,



Maybe this will help…

Go to main home page for FAOL…

On menu “click” on “Free Drawing”…

When that page opens, scan down the page until you come to the “tickets” section…

It should show on the left that you have three tickets and in the center is the section for filling out 2 surveys…

If it states “Buying Rods Complete” and “Personal Information Complete”,
all you have to do is “click” on “Enter All Tickets” and after you do that, it should show that you have earned more tickets on the right hand side.

If it does not show “completed” on either of the surveys, you just need to “click” on each survey and fill out the questions.

Hopefully, that is clearer than mud…

Thanks Warren, well put. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the pointer in the right direction. I’m all in.


Just to bump this up. REMEMBER, SIGN UP! :slight_smile:

Who is the winner for the SEPT. drawing??

Sorry, just another bump, sure don’t want anyone to miss out. :slight_smile: SIGN UP!

Just entered my tickets on the main page. :smiley:

to get the other 2 tickets entered into the drawing, why is it necessary to fill out the survey every monthe when the answers are most likely gonna be the same month after month after month??

is there a way of bookmarking the survey answers?

how is the data base of answers used??

just wondering.

Hi Normand - To get the tickets entered every month, you only have to answer the questions once, but you DO need to log in and “enter” them by clicking the “enter all completed tickets” button. You’ll see the tickets you’ve earned on the left appear on the right side to show that they’re entered.

I know this works, because I just was notified that I won the October Drawing !!!

Thanks JC & LF for making ALL of us winners by providing FAOL to us…Ed

Congratulations Ed!!

Yea! Congratulations Ed