The salvation army kettles are out

to help fill them up I’ll send a dozen trout flies to the first non-tyer who promises to drop an extra ten in the bucket. Same deal on a dozen wartmwater flies.

Count me in…I don’t tie and I’m heading out to a Target store in a few minutes. This is a good trade-off. Thanks.


Ken, do you want the trout flies ao the warmwater flies? Also send me your address. One dozen left. I have to start tying

Trout flies please…I’ll send my address. Thanks again.


Nice gesture Rainbowchaser.:wink: Tis the season to be giving. Jim

Rainbowchaser; Very nice gesture, if you still have some flies Id like a warmwater dz. I pm my address. Ill be at W/M. Mon. kacey7

All flies are taken. I’ve started tying and should have them out by the end of the week.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me so DAMNED PROUD of you guys. You’re all the best.

Nicely done, rainbowchaser !!

Because of your post, I will be more mindful of the “kettle” when next I encounter it. Thanks for the reminder.

I tie so you don’t have to send me anything but I just want you to know I fed the kettle today just because of your reminder.



Late again. You guys will like the flies…Jim ties some great patterns. Way to go Jim, fantastic gesture.



Just got back from Target…$10 (plus a little more) went into the kettle. Thanks again.


Jim (AKA rainbowchaser);
Great thing to do. I’ll up my ante for sure this year.
As side note, I was laying in the hospital on Clark Air Base back in the 60’s when that “Other Group” came through selling magazines, etc. Then the Salvation Army came through giving them to us at no charge!
See Ya in July!

My wife is so cute! She CAN’T go by one of those kettles without dropping something in, no matter where, no matter when. A drop on the way in, a drop on the way out.

Her only complaint has been “Okay, I dropped a couple bucks, the least they could do is not ring that bell in my ear while saying ‘Thank-you, Merry Christmas!’”

I love that girl! She makes me smile!

Wonderful gesture on your part. It just serves as a reminder to all of us that this is indeed the season of GIVING!!

When I was 13 and got a paper route. My folks couldn’t afford a bike for me so I got my sisters clunker. Even She wouldn’t ride it. It was a terrible bike the wheels wobbled it and needed a new chain and sprockets. The tires had patches on the patches. I had it for about a week when my Uncles came to visit from Vancouver. The neighbourhood kids teased me so much about my sisters ugly girls bike I would only ride it on my paper route on the other side of town. I missed out on lots of the stuff going on around the neighbourhood cause I had to walk while the other boys rode their bikes. I came in after dark from my route and there sitting in the middle of the living room floor was my Uncle Joe and my Uncle Roger. They were putting together a Red 3 speed CCM bike $69.95 in those days I know because I had worn the sears catalogue ragged dreaming over that bike. My sister said its for you! I was stunned. My Uncle Joe said, Here Kid you better help put this together so you’ll know how to fix it. Both Uncles had fought in the war in Europe about 10 years prior to this. They made me promise I had to do just one thing to pay for that bike. A promise I have always kept. When you get older and If you can afford it, every year drop $5.00 in the Sally Ann pot at Christmas for us. I had six uncles go to war and thank god they all came back. My dad didn’t go cause he only had one arm. Every one of them said that it was the Sally Ann that did the most for them in Europe If I were ever to donate anything I should donate to the Sally Ann. Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour back then $5.00 was 10 hours pay. So each year about this time I calculate what that $5.00 promise would be in todays dollars and every Christmas I find the Kettle and make another payment on that wonderful bike. (around $85.00 in todays money) I consider it a heck of a bargain.

For the last three years at our shopping mall someone has put a very old and expensive coin in the bucket, they don’t know who it is but the coins have ranged from $2000 to $5000.


flies are in the mail. If you catch a new world record on one be sure to give me credit.

You may have to go to a different store Ken, I don’t think Target allows any solicitation in front of their stores, not even the Salvation Army kettles…grrrrrrr…but Merry Christmas from Target anyway. Oh excuse me, they don’t say that in Target stores.
GNU-BE-FLYER, that is a really wonderful Christmas story! Thanks for sharing it.