I thought many of you would appreciate this. A friend of mine here in Nashville, fellow bamboo enthusiast, and 2006 CMA Songwriter of the Year award winner, Sam Tate, came by to visit yesterday and was all fired up about being invited to the White House to perform a song he had written in his support of Project Healing Waters. Many of you know what that program is. I was excited for him and his invitation, but even more so when he showed me where I could see the video of his song and I had the chance to play it. Most you you will identify with this in more than just the reason that he wrote the song, if you listen carefully to the words in the chorus, it identifies one of the many reasons that we all love fly fishing so much…
“Cause the river don’t talk, the river don’t care,
Where you been or what you’ve done, why it is you’re standing there,
It just rolls on by, whispering to your soul,
gonna be all right, the River just knows”
It’s a great organization. I was lucky enough to do an outting with 12 vets through PHWFF in June and go to a reunion gathering in August this year. I can’t tell you how great of an experience it is.
Thank God for the selfless individuals who make time to help those who have given so much for us. Contact your local FFF or TU Chapter to see how you can participate in Project Healing Waters. Every little bit helps.
OK,dleo the eyes are more than a little misty.
I even got my 11 year old son to sit still and watch this one.
The man playing the fish with his teeth is my hero.The look on his face says it all.
Don’t give up !
Jesus completely understood the benefit of making fishers of men. Thankfully there’s a few volunteers willing to carry on that same belief!
The cost of freedom is very apparent, IT ISN’T FREE! Many have given the ultimate sacrifice so we still have the single most important part of freedom…CHOICE!!! What did you CHOOSE to do today with the freedom you have?
To those of you that give unselfishly of your time, resources, and love to help a hurting vet…THANK YOU!!!
It seems like such a small payback for the sacrifices they’ve made and the freedom they’ve alloted us!
From what I understand, A retired Navy Cpt. Ed Nicholson started the project, they where down here in June fishing Mossy Creek. Thank you very much for sharing that video with us, My brother is a Marine over in Iraq now for his second war. I did my time but never saw conflict. Thank you again…
For All who bought Michigan Fish-In “T-Shirts” Know that the profit’s from the shirt’s were split 50/50 between the FAOL website and Project Healing Water’s. A BIG THANK YOU to All!