The Perfect Smallmouth Bass Rod

OK, I know the perfect rod doesn’t exist; however, I would appreciate suggestions for a close-to-perfect rod for smallmouth river fishing.

I’m thinking a 8 1/2’ for a 7 weight. Open to other lengths and line weights.

The water I’ll be fishing is approximately 150’ wide and naturally the best water is on the far and inaccessible side.

I’m a bamboo fisherman and would appreciate any help in that medium as I would favor a bamboo rod for this fishing. Medium to medium fast taper.

Although, I’m beginning to think it might be best to go with a fiberglass or graphite rod for this fish and water?

Anyway, I ask for you smallmouth fishermen to give an old trout fisherman some guidance.

Thanks in advance!

Bob :???:

After all, we’re not talking playing a Stradivarius at Carnegie Hall. That rod ( whatever) will work REAL well in catching the fish you stipulate. No need to fine tune any more. Don’t lose any more sleep, GO FISHIN!


After going thru several rods chasing smallies, I’ve settled on two main guns:

St Croix Legend Ultra 898-4 “Bob Clouser” signature series 8’9" 8wt. More of a med-fast action. St Croix is not producing these rods anymore, so one may be hard to find.
Temple Fork Outfitters TiCrX 9ft 8wt. Really fast rod…for when I need extra distance or in windy condtitions, or really need to chuck a big, heavy fly.

I also like my St Croix Legend Ultra 906-4 9ft 6wt for throwing topwater poppers and such.


If you like cane, fish one.

A 7 wt. cane rod will handle any river smallie you happen to come across…

I like the intrinsic ‘power’ of a loaded cane rod for those larger flies anyway. They may not really ‘be’ more powerful, but they sure do feel like they are.

I try to do my smallmouth fishing with lighter sticks, but I seldom catch many over five pounds and a three weight does the job for me most times…and I have several six weights if I need them…


You can still get the SC “Clouser rod”, they just don’t call it that anymore since Bob started working with TFO. Just look for their U898-4. It’s a great rod for big water smallie fishing like we have here on the Mississippi. I always have it, as well as, my legend ultra 7wt rigged up when fishing my smallies. Since I’m never throwing anything under a #6 hook and often times tossing poppers or streamers on an 8089 #6 (2/0 equivelent), the 7 wt is as small as I go.


For SMB only I fish a 7wt on my waters wich are aprox 100+ yds wide, I have a couple 6’s for creeky stuff and an 8 for big wind but 80 percent of the time I grab the 7wt. I just got a used TFO Ticr 9’ 7wt and love it, I’m play’n around with a few diferent lines to see what fits. This is a medium/fast rod that looses any minor stiffness to it when I throw 8wt lines with it.

A 7wgt is a great all around rod for smallies. Plenty of power when you need it, and if you get a medium action smaller pans and so forth still feel good in the hand as well.

i purchased the Sage Smallmouth Bass last year, as i needed a rod that would chuck ‘big uglies’ all day, and do it better then a typical rod.
And it succeeded on all accounts. The rod is a gun, and makes easy work of 80 foot casts with monster flies…(and it comes with it’s own fly line, which is great)

I use a St. Croix avid 9 foot 8 weight, it is perfect for chucking bass bugs, poppers, etc. as far as you want to. Although a 7 wt would be fine as well. Tie up some poppers and have at them.


I like a fast rod…usually a 9’ 7wt, sometimes a 6wt, or an 8 or 9wt. It really depends on the size of the fly your casting…small flies, a 6wt is OK…Bass bugs the size of parakeet at 75’+…a 9wt is nice.

Thanks for all of the info and suggestions!

I’ve opted for a Phillipson Peerless Dry Fly Special 8 1/2’ 3/2 6 weight impregnated bamboo rod. Excellent ++ conditon, that I’m told will handle a WF7 quite comfortably!

I’m a happy camper!
