The Pennsylvania Fish-In.

What is the latest word. Has anyone fished the Pine during the winter? If so what was it like?

I can’t wait! Is it time yet?:smiley:

Give them Hell Nighthawk… LOL
They are either EATING or FISHING, or BOTH…

                                                                     Best wishes....
                                                                          John @ Quill gordon

It’s going to be awful lonely with just you and me there. Oh well, that will leave us plenty of room on the water.;-):smiley:

Move over you two and give me some room as I will be there too… if the shack nasties don’t get me first. He,he.

Hi Bernie! C’mon along buddy!:smiley:

One of my fond memories from last year…

I’ll be fishing the Little J outside of Tyrone and Huntingdon in the next two weeks if anybody is in the area.

I think Bigdaddy and Heritage Angler are avoiding us pirates, aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!:smiley:

Hey, that’s me! lol. I hope we have conditions like that, this year. Get those leaders ready, Dave.