The Passing of One of Our Own - bassman

Its with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the passing of my friend, fly fishing and tying mentor and teacher, and a friend of FAOL - John Eaton, aka bassman. Sometime during the evening at work on Sunday, February 15, John had a massive heart attack and couldn’t be revived.

Rosemary called my wife and I yesterday evening. As can be expected, she and Bonnie are doing ok but, as she said, “running on fumes”. She also asked if I would help take care of the fly swaps that bassman was running or participating in. I will do my best to live up to his standards in taking care of those.

Arrangements are still pending. As soon as I know more I will post it here. Link to obituary and arrangements is here:…onId=124256096

Feel free to contact me: johnrich21 at com cast dot net


edited to correct date and added link to obituary. JR 2/17/09

OMG!! I am just in shock!
Please let Rosemary and Bonnie know our hearts ache, and that they are in our prayers. Give them each a loving hug from me.

It just dawned on me that John was in the rod swap. If you’d like, I would certainly finish off his blank for the swap.


Thanks for the post about Bassman. His family will have a hard time adjusting to his loss. My heart and prayers go out to them.

I was involved in the bass swap. Will send you an email.

Larry —sagefisher—

I am in shock! He will be missed.

Our greatest sympathies and prayers go out to his family.

I pray for comfort for all the ones close to him.


Wow that is really bad news. I never met John but we E-mailed back and forth on many occasions as we did a bunch of swaps together. I consider him a friend.

Please let his family know they and John are in my thoughts and prayers.

This isn’t much, but I think this is something we can do that will acknowledge John’s swapping passion.

A truly sad day for our community
John will be sorely missed

What a shock!! I am not believing this yet! I never met him, but, did consider him a friend and always looked forward to his post on FAOL. I am so sad about this. Thanks for letting us know. His family will be in my thoughts and prayers.:frowning:

Prayers and condolences to the family and friends

I always enjoyed participating in his swaps. He will be missed. My sincerest condolences go out to his family and close friends.


Unreal! heart goes out to his family and all those left remembering…his presence on this board will be truly missed

holy cow! what a shocker!!

i just sent in my swap flies to him last friday.

holy cow! what a shocker!!

He will be missed around here, Prayers go out for his family.

JC said it in another thread…

“How fleeting life as we know it can be.”

I feel a real sense of loss. I can only imagine how the family is feeling.

He will indeed be missed. :frowning:

I imagine the fishing is quite good where he is now. :tieone:

My heart aches for his family and friends. Prayers…

I think I joined most of John’s swaps. We had been doing a one on one Fotw swap for a while now. John was always complimenting my flies, but I was the pupil. I will never cease to be amazed at how fast John would get his flies tied. He was always first the send out his flies. I think I can say his swaps were the best run. When he joined a swap, he would always be the first to send out quality flies. It’s amazing how people become special friends here. John was my friend. I’ll miss the swaps. I’ll miss Bassman. Dan Gober

I just signed up for the “Bassman” Swap.
John was a Friend even though we never met in person,
I am having problems typing this as I can’t see the keyboard thru the tears.
Prayer’s are going out for Rosemary and Bonnie, and for Us His FAOL Family.
John YOU ARE MISSED catch some for us while You are up There.