If you happen to be in the area of the former Oly brewery in Olympia WA and want to kill a few hours try fishing above the falls.There is not a lot of bank so waders are a plus but even w/o my waders I pulled in six 8-10’ cuts in a couple of hours last Sunday.October caddis were lighting the fish up.
Welcome to the board lylelovett666, thanks for the heads up. You never know when I may be up that way…not far from a friend’s house. Dunno what river/stream you speak of though.
The river would be the Deschutes river. Not the oregon deschutes.
Here is some info; http://www.ecy.wa.gov/apps/watersheds/temperature/tir/deschutes/reports/report.pdf
Thanks ffb, I’ll remember that if’n I visit my cousin in Salkum.
Thanks for the info Doug, looks like my kind of water.
There’s plenty of good water in the area. I’ve only fished the waters near the State Capitol for salmon but I heard lots of good reports from the Deschutes. Good luck, you ought to look up the South Sound Flyfishers while your there.
Thanks racine, I know I’llo be reviewing this thread when the time comes to try the Deschutes near Olympia.
Any body fish the Little D lately?
I wrote this a bit ago. Still true today. http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/homewaters/part4.php
I have yet to fish there lylelovett666, but I’d like to on my next sojourn northwards. Do you
live around there?
Thanks REE, I read the whole article and that’s
definitely my kind of water, spring, summer and
early fall by the looks of it.
I live in Seattle but I had some friends that lived by the old brewery and my dad has been fishing the LD for quite a while.I just talked to some people on another board and was told the river’s not much until June.
That’s the interesting part in a way…the old brewery…ok, I’ll guess they made
Olympia Beer there ! I figured June would be a good time to give the LD a try.
Oh, ok…Seattle…well that’s a drive to Olympia.
I stayed at Lake Crescent in ONP last fall and
loved it. I want to get back over that way too.
Geez, so much water, where do I start? Terrible
dilema I tell ya !
Moose and Lyle,
The part of the river that Lyle was fishing does close for a couple of months, but the river upstream of Pioneer Park in Tumwater is open all year. I’ve had some great days fishing that river and some that …well, lets just say I didn’t catch any fish over 20 inches (or under 20 inches for that matter). If you get up this way, or if Lyle gets down this way, shoot me a PM and we’ll wet a line.
Sounds great REE.My dad is in his first month and a half of forced retirement from 35 years at Boeing and is itching for slightly warmer weather.I’ll keep in touch.
Same here REE, I can’t wait to get up there…I’ll shoot a pm your way and
Lyle too…maybe a mini fish-in first really
good weather chance. Thanks !
Ron, I added your article to my favorites to read again. Read it the first time when it was published but lived so far away that I didn’t think about fishing it. now it could become my home waters.
Eric, Offer to wet a line together is for you too. Would like to show you a couple favorite places.
Thats great I look forward to it, the mini fishin sounds like fun also
I think we almost have an event planned boys.I look forward to it.
Sort of anyway…google shows I’m
a mere 283 miles and 4 and a half
hours from Tumwater, WA non stop,
which I can still do and so will the car !
Now all we need is a lot less rain, dropping
streams and somewhat warmer days. Yep,
looks like something is brewin’ alright !