Lets try this again…
Not sure what that was all about. Was the guy flapping his wings the fly? Anyway being from NW arkansas myself was that cave around here somewhere. I do a bit of caving from time to time.
I think something got missed !! OR is it ME !!
Nope…I don’t get it either.
I don’t get it either
I can’t make any sense of it either. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Sorry about that…
Not quite but I think I have it up now, Crazy stuff
how many pairs of ski’s they go through in a season.
I ain’t THAT crazy.
That would be so much fun , I would do it in a minute,
Me too…
WOW! That’s over the top man. It’s waaay past my sky diving days. It’s like a dream world in real life.
That’s about the time it takes to crash into rock walls