the G nymph

this is good

Gotta tie some of those. The instructions seem easier than the initial look at the fly. Thanks.

That is a very good nymph.

It says the gills are thread, but it looks more like floss to me. Guess I have some experimenting to do. Thanks for the new pattern!

Normand you never cease to amaze me. That is a great fly. Have you tried fishing it?? It looks like a real good patten.

Normand, that is awesome fly, great pattern and don’t seem that hard looking at the instruction. Thanks for sharing that with us

Love that gill technique…

I’ll bet that Uni-Stretch will work there…

Something new to play with.


Good one, Norm:cool::cool::cool:.

Definitely an excellent looking pattern! The gills look like poly yarn.

If I were a trout, I’d go for it! Looks like a pattern to add to the recipe box!

Wow Norm, great pattern. It looked really difficult until I saw the instructions.


This is a really cool pattern, thanks for sharing it, Norm!

I tied one up last night…turned out more or less ok. I tried using Poly Dub thread for the gills. And as I say, it turned out just “ok”. I need to try some other options for the gills, I think. I’m pretty sure I don’t have any of what the recipe called for.

Speaking of which…on that same website I saw a pattern for a “Bristling White Minnow”. Check it out. I thought it looked interesting. It says it uses Hends long chenille. To me it looks similar to craft hair (polar hair), except it comes attached on a yarn or string base. Is this material available in the US?

I used antron yarn for the gills, I liked it better than the floss. looks good too.

I looked at that Dave and like it…just tied it up with some silvery very long eyelash yarn I have…sorry can’t remember the name and don’t have the label…it’s OK but I would like to get a gold body shining through.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how you could get that body to look golden?

I want to tie up some golden shiners.

I really like the look of that fly. Gonna have to tie a few of those up. Thanks for the link

Very nice - I wonder if young MC has any takes on this?


Lovely pattern and very well tied

Heh heh, you don’t give up easily do you? Shame your energies are not channelled into something useful.

Lucian dresses very nice flies, he also publishes some of my articles;

If you want to read the rest there, you will have to speak Romanian, and you can’t even speak English properly.

Give it up sonny boy, you can’t provoke me, and the board owners here wont put up with your nonsense for long, doesn’t matter how many of your yob mates you recruit.

Mike Connor

How do you know?

Can you?


If your material is pretty transparent, try wrapping the shank with gold tinsel or mylar first.

IF that doesnt work, you can try opening up the wraps of your eyelash yarn a bit to let more of the gold show through.

OR you can wrap the eyelash and tinsel at the same time kind of like a zebra midge but larger and with different materials.