took a full yr to finally land one…as far a drum go these in the bay are very tough to catch…90% of all the fisherman dont even know they exist…I have tried everything under the sun and actually hooked 2 overall out of 100 cast at least…today I went back for some more since I havent checked on them for several weeks…I know exactly where they live so I got out of the canoe and actually waded to them…they were busting all around behind me and at my feet but I kept my eye on 2 tailers in 1ft of water…it took several cast until I finally had to place it about 3 inches off the nose at 60ft and then let it totally sit still…this worked…finally the redfish skunk is gone and I dont know of a single person other than myself to get it done on the fly…sweet
here is a bonefish school