THE ANGLER?S LOG BOOK - Neil - July 19, 2010


While cleaning out some old fly fishing items I came across my old Angler’s Log. Back in the 1960’s the Orvis Company sold an Angler’s Log book. The pages were punched to fit in a small note book, and you could carry it in your vest although I chose not to do so.


Back on April 7th, 2003 Marv Taylor’s article in that weeks Fly fishing Lakes column

Marv’s wrote about his “The Successful Angler Journal” that he uses when fishing. I have made my own log sheet using Marv’s as model, and have found it useful, for helping with improving my visits to the shoreline to go fly fishing.

I know that what works in June might not work in July, but the information written down, does help in review what has worked and what did not, the last time I was there, as well as the conditions when I was last there.

I have both Marv’s illustration with all the information of one of his fishing sorties, and my blank log page, both in PDF that if anyone is interested that I can send them. Just email me at Then they can printout their own jounal log sheets on their computer printer…

amazing how Orvis was able to capitalize on a simple thing like a log that couldhave easily been written (probably more personally and in more detail with a simple notebook…but then, fish are just as gulible as us.

I recently read a book by Wiliam Plummer called “Wishing My Father Well” in which a man discovers who his father really was by reading his old fishing journal’s after his passing and fishing the places his father fished. I think in keeping a journal , you can record much more than just how many fish you caught. For me fly fishing bring’s about a peace of mind and thought’s apart from the everyday stresses of life that seem worth writing down. I think it would be a great thing to pass down one day. Just my two cents.

What a great story! thank you for sharing. When I first started fly fishing, I had a log, that I never used. I was 12 and well Journal’s weren’t my thing. In hindsight, I wish I did.

I then picked up a Journal several years ago, and though that would be my next big thing. This was influenced by reading Muriel Foster’s Fishing Diary. But again I just never found myself the time or bothered to pick up a pen and start dabbling.

new for 2010. I began to incorporate technology. I am always on forums and I post up reports of my fishing adventures so why not find a way to track this. I found an online fishing log that I have been using, and it’s been great so far! But unfortunately, the look and feel of old paper or cards will never be there. I’m afraid if one day I have kids, etc. all my fishing musing will be lost to some harddrive somewhere.

Thanks for sharing and remotivating me!