Thanks to John Scott


Just wanted to send a public thanks to John Scott for the T-shirt he sent me, which now officially makes me a member of the cutthroat club! He also included some great photos of the Vanessa fly, before and after use, and some of the friends John introduced her to. As he also sent Vanessa home, I’ll be putting her in the photo album along with the photos to commemorate our international experiment (made possible by FAOL, so thanks to JC and LF, and everyone, for making FAOL what it is). And finally, John also included some itty bitty jungle cock feathers that I can add as eyes on some of my mini streamers. Thanks, they are perfect sizes, and I do hope I can do them justice. This has been a great exchange.

  • Jeff

Jeff -

It has, indeed, been a great exchange. I am so honored that you chose me to give Vanessa and Jock Scott and the Hammlimm Minnow and your Water Cricket the opportunity to hook up with some Idaho Cutthroats, and Bows and Browns, while they were at it.

The days at Big Elk with the Water Cricket, at Henry’s Fork with Jock Scott and the Hammlimm Minnow, and on the South Fork with Vanessa and the Minnow were three of the most memorable days of my fishing year, and I have had lots of great days on the water this year.

I must admit that I had mixed feelings about sending Vanessa home. But she is your creation, and the first of the pattern to ever catch a trout belongs with you. Thanks for sending her replacement, and for the other flies you sent along.

I’m sure you will do justice, and then some, to the jungle cock eyes. Be sure to post some pics of something you tie with them.

I join you in thanking JC and the Ladyfisher for making this site possible, and the other members of the BB who participate so positively on an ongoing basis to this fascinating thing we share, for making it what it is.
