Thanks Sage

A few weeks ago I set the hook on a nice size searun. Just as the weight of the fish was being taken up by the rod a sharp POP as my rod snaps right at the handle. As clean a break as I have ever seen and I have never seen a rod of any kind break right at the handle. I sent the SP 490-3 to Sage along with the required 40 bucks and a written report on how the rod broke. I got my rod back from Sage today, all shipping paid with a nice brand new 1st section, new handle, new rose wood reel seat and also enclosed with the rod was my check for 40 bucks uncashed.

Thanks Sage.

Now, that’s ‘classy!’

Do you think service might be 1 of the reasons thier company is so succesful?I do

Absolutely! Also, you get what you pay for!

So what is the $40 check for?
I don’t own a sage rod (yet) but have several other major brands and when I break them I’ve just sent them in and they send back either a new rod or section (whatever it takes).

I know GLoomis charges for all of their repairs, but hadn’t heard about Sage doing it and was just curious.

Nice to see companies that still take care of their customers! I had a Winston break and got terrible service from them and was laughed at when I complained about it. I will never own another winston, and will really look hard at a Sage for the new 9wt I need for saltwater!

What does that mean???
The tip on my 4 wt SP has broken three times,_($120.00) once out west—that cost me (To buy another rod) Does that mean that it was my fault that the rod broke, and not yours???
Now I buy them from LL Bean guaranteed for life with free replacement, and they air mail them to you no mater where you are.

                  Just venting.