Thanks Giving

Coming soon to a Forum near you.

Got to thinking a couple days ago that it has been just a year since I became a member of the Bulletin Board. I’ve spent many ( make that MANY ) hours here, have enjoyed so many discussions and stories, learned so many things about all kinds of gear, fly tying and rod building, not to mention digital cameras and posting photos and slideshows, and received support from so many members on any number of occasions, it just seems right to do something special in the way of THANKS GIVING.

So … sometime soon, before noon tomorrow, there will be new threads on the three Forums appropriate to the subject matter, describing free drawings open to all Members.

All Members** are welcome to enter all three drawings, but each winner can only win from one Forum so there will be three different winners. To simplify the drawing process, please enter only one time on each Forum that you choose to enter.

On the Fly Anglers Online Forum: Mike Lawson’s “Spring Creeks.” This is a great read on trout fishing by one of SE Idaho’s best fly tiers and fishermen. The content and writing are excellent.

On the Fly Tying Forum: Leeson and Schollmeyer’s “The Fly Tier’s Benchside Reference.” This is the most comprehensive guide to techniques and dressing styles available today.

On the Rod Building Forum: Simon Gawesworth’s “Spey Casting.” You don’t have to want to cast, let alone build, a two handed rod to enjoy and learn much from this Master of the long rod that you can apply to your single handed rods. The writing is outstanding.

The drawing will be held on THANKSGIVING DAY. Winners will be posted on the appropriate Forum and notified by PM requesting a mailing address. If you want this as a gift for another fly fishing person, you can just PM that person’s name and mailing address.

PLEASE ENTER ONLY ONE TIME ON EACH FORUM YOU CHOOSE TO ENTER. ( The drawing will actually be “pick a number” by those coming to our Thanksgiving Day dinner. The numbers will be pulled from a hat. The number picked will be matched to the winner’s post number on the appropriate Forum. )

And THANKS to all who regularly contribute to this Bulletin Board, whether you choose to enter the drawings or not.


** Please see post #13 regarding eligibility.

That is a terrific thing to do! I’m coming back to Idaho just to meet you and maybe wet a line togather!

Very nice, although I am not surprised by your caring & generosity.
Speaking for many, thank you.

Thanks John!

Steve Molcsan


Wow! As if you didn’t give a lot of yourself already. What a really nice thing you are doing.


A tip of the hat to you, Sir. A very generous undertaking. I did enter for Spring Creeks, the only one of the three I don’t already have.

I’m with Jack Hise, we’ll be in Idaho again this fall, would really enjoy wetting a line with you.


you are a very good man.we could use more like you in this world. thank you for all you do!


John; Great thing to do. Thank you.

Hey there John,
Your very generous gesture makes me almost want to change my signature to “That being said, I’d rather be in Idaho”.

Well, almost, anyway. :slight_smile:


Thanks John, what a very thoughtful gesture, and an inventive way to give in to your generous nature. You are in the right place, being part of this bunch. I have witnessed lots of generosity and goodwill here. It makes me happy to be part of it…

That is very thoughtful and generous! Thanks for the chance!

My original intent was to make the free drawings open to people who participate in and contribute to discussions on the Bulletin Board. I went by my recollection of what the criteria were for Members, Junior Members, and Senior Members.

What I have noticed is that some folks signing up for the drawings are people I would consider eligible but their membership designation doesn’t match what I would have expected, and wouldn’t fall within the original eligibility criteria. Which tells me that some people who were intended to be eligible may consider themselves not eligible and may not have entered any of the drawings. That ain’t right.


Sorry if this has caused any confusion.


Very generous of you.


Thank you for your generosity. I have learned so much from your posting about fly fishing and the wonderful area you fish.

Thanks again

Well On This Bb Nothing Surprises Me!!! You Are A True Gentleman And Thank You For This Offer!

Thanks John, this is fun.

What a wonderful idea, thanks for being you!!!

Hey John,
You are THE MAN!:smiley:

You’re a man above all others. Thanks to you and a blessed and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


Thanks, John, and a happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.