Thanking our sponsors

I hope I’m not way over the line, but you all know that it’s the sponsors that pay the bills around here. Without them we would not exist. I just want to say again, thanks guys for the confidence and financial support and to remind the rest of you to try to support them in return when possible. What goes around, comes around. We are about twelve years at this and plan on staying. :slight_smile:

Thanks indeed, to the sponsors here at FAOL. If you didn’t know, sponsors get invited to sponsor this site, based on their products and customer service.

When I need stuff I always go to the sponsors page to order it. It’s a good way to make sure you get the best stuff and the best service, not to mention great prices.

Like Ron, I go to our sponsors for whatever I need. So far, they’ve filled the bill every time. As well, they are prompt, personable and very helpful. Their prices, also, are very good. Even If they aren’t the lowest priced in the market, I’ll still recommend our sponsors above all others. Besides all that, the make this site possible, and I for one will miss it if ever they stop. Hat’s off to our sponsors, and J.C. & Ladyfisher…

What I like too is that some of the sponsors are like small gems that would be hard to find in the vastness of the internet. Yosemite brand finger treatment comes to mind.

JC, … I go to a sponsor whener I can.

Great post and I agree with you. I think our sponsors are great.

For those folks that attend a fly fishing show where FAOL sponsors are present, take the time to mention to them that one of the reasons you support THEM, is because they support FAOL. Thank them for their CONTINUED support of this site, and mention the many thousands of members we have that look to our sponsors for their equipment needs.

I do this all the time, and you should see their faces light up when you do this! It’s just a reminder that their support of FAOL is the most cost effective way there is to spread word of mouth about their business. One hand washes the other…:grin:

we do appreciate your comments, and we do ask for your help too- if you have a favorite product or manufacturer who IS NOT a Sponsor here, please let us know. We don’t just take anyone, we much prefer your personal recommendation too.

I use sponsors as much as possible. I haven’t had problems with any, including some that are not on the sponsor page anymore. It is nice knowing that we have some reputable vendors with a proven track record.


i have used the sponsors here as much as possible since i joined over a year ago. i absolutely love stone river outfitters. dennys conranch hackles are wonderful and i am getting ready to buy more from him. i have bought products made by the manufacturers listed on here too! love my sage rods! again thanks for all you do.

Thank you all. Remember, they love to hear that you appreciate their sponsorship. Let them know any time you get a chance. It sure helps us out too. :slight_smile:

Yes Sir, Thank you sponsors! it is so nice to be able to enjoy a site without ads, banners, pop-ups etc. Looking through the list, I realized I do own several products made by our sponsors; 3 TFO, 3 St. Croix and 1 Cortland rod, 1 Scientific Angler reel and many lines, Cortland line, 1 Sage reel, several hundred Mustad hooks, BT’s Danvise and tying station and probably some other’s I’m missing. Way to go, and thanks again. Know that when I have to make a gear choice, your FAOL sponsorship gets the scales tipped in your favor.

There was a thread a while back where someone asked how many of the FAOL sponsors have you purchased from. I guessed that it was about 5 or 6 but when I went down the list on the sponsor page I was really suprised to see that it was over 30. You get so used to them that you actually sometimes forget who they are. I have never had a problem with one of our sponsors or their products so I really can’t say how good or bad their service is.

Just had a interaction with one of our sponsers here today. Hook and Hackle. I have never been a great fan and used them when I had to. I believe I spoke with Russ not sure who it was but wow! They had a credit card problem with my credit card on a order. We got it cleared up and the order placed. I then said I forgot I guess I am to tell you I am a member of FAOL. Instantly he said well the special ended last night but I will give you a 10% discount on your order. That was nice but he also went on to tell me about the new line of hardy reels (god I want one can’t afford it just yet) and then we moved on to fly line. I told him the type of line I used (Aquanova) and where I got it. Even though I have rarely ordered from them I was treated with respect and courtisey. I got off the phone thinking WOW what a great company. Just thought I would share this with you all

Last weekend I attended the Bob Marriot’s Flyfishing Educational Fair in Fullerton, CA. While there I sought out the reps from companies I knew are sponsors of FAOL, introduced myself, and thanked them for sponsoring this site. I even went to Bob M’s desk and pumped him up about FAOL. All in all it was a good show. I met some nice people, learned how to tie some different flies, and had a good time. Jim

They are a nice outfit, we’re grateful for their support over the years.