Thought I’d pass along a bit of my experiance with Orvis. A while back I bought one of their Power Matrix fly rods; it’s a mid level rod. It was near Christmas and they gave me a Battenkill reel to go with the rod and a bunch of other stuff that totaled to more than what I payed for the rod if I had to pay for it. That summer my daughter closed the rod in the door of the truck and destroyed it. I brought it back to Orvis and told them what happened and they replaced it for free.
The year before last I found a great deal on a Zero G rod on their web site and bought one. (I posted the deal here and some of you may have checked it out) The tip on the zero G broke this year and I brought it back and they replaced the broken section. That section broke again recently and I took it back to them. They called me today to say they could not fix it and would I mind taking one of the new Helios rods instead.
Now I got a deal on the Zero G in the first place and now they replace it with a Helios. Heck they even asked if I had a rod to fish with when I took it back and I’ll bet if I didn’t they would have hooked me up. (still have the power matrix) I have to say that I was hooked on Orvis after the thing with the Power Matrx rod being replaced but now I don’t think I’ll ever use anything but Orvis. They just treat ya too good.