Dear FAOL Family,
Thank you all for this wonderful web site. It brings me a lot of pleasure to read each week.
I am primarily a warmwater fly fisherman, all be it none too good, but warm water angler none the same.
Thank you to Rick, Joe, David, Bill, Jeff, Gary, and everyone else that writes about panfish and warm water fishing.
Thanks also to all of you like Eric and the others who write about fly tying.
Thank you to all of the sponsors that support this web site.
Most of all, thank you Ladyfisher and Castwell for putting on such a good source of information and for such a nice place to read bulletins from folks I think of as aquaintences and yes, even friends, that I just have not yet had a chance to meet in person.
Ladyfisher and Castwell, I enjoy your columns every week.
This site is really down home in a lot of ways. Folks used to go to town, and the older men might sit around the fire in the general store and visit. Those days are long gone, but the down home atmosphere is still with us.
Thank you all, who like me are mostly just members, who may write an article or story once in a blue moon, but mostly just read and sometimes write a post at one of the bulletin boards. You too make this site what it is.
It is a nice place to visit on a chilly Thanksgiving day like today.
God bless to you all,