Thank heaven for digital cameras!

I was working on rearranging one of my photobucket pages, and realized I had posted over 200 pictures on it this year. In the good old days of film, I used to get one decent pic out of every roll, which made me wonder how many pics I actually took this year. So I checked.


I bought a new camera in June, and already have over 2000 photos on it. That is about 15 cents per photo all told, and decreasing.

How did I EVER afford film?

Happy New Year, people.


Right on, Dennis.

I stopped using a camera for about fifteen years, partly because of the cost of film, which in my case probably produced one good pic out of several rolls of film. Beyond the cost of film, though, was camera portability and how fragile most were for the kind of stuff I like to do outdoors.

With the waterproof, shockproof and freezeproof digital camera, it’s a completely different experience. Charge the battery, fire away, delete the junk, manage the better stuff with software, store pics free on the internet and share them almost at will with whatever audience you have in mind. Then charge the battery and have it again.


P.S. I do need to publicly thank Wild One for motivating me to look into digital cameras last winter. He made a comment in a post which got me to thinking about photography in the digital age and that resulted in making the investment to get started. Thanks, Ryan.


I bought my new Canon 40D 1-year ago on January 6. I just checked, my last image is number 5863. I will, for sure, roll over the “odometer” on the thing in its second year. Why they make the counter to only go to 10,000 images I surely don’t understand.

Hmm. I’ve only taken 6 frames so far today. I’m slowin’ down.

The better teaching method (getting to look at shots immediately) improves photo techniques so much faster than the old notebooks and head scratching it would be worth it to pay a lot more for digitals…

You made me curious about how many pictures I’ve taken over the past 18 months. It seems I’ve averaged better than 17 per day for a total of 9,441 pictures. I agree totally with the comment about how instant feed back improves the learning curve. You can see right away what works and what doesn’t. With the high capacity memory cards there’s practically no limit to how many pictures you can take, too.

Not only that but the quality of the point and shoot cameras is phenomenal now. I’ve got a Nikon D-50 and just bought my wife a Coolpix S610. Her photography skills are modest (even by her own admission) but she can get some good shots with it and with a little editing, it’s nothing short of remarkable.
