Anybody use them? I’m looking at buying both the 5 and 8 wt. They are beautiful rods and support a good cause, just wondering if anyone has used them and what they think. Got 2 of the PHW fly boxes on the way.
Anybody use them? I’m looking at buying both the 5 and 8 wt. They are beautiful rods and support a good cause, just wondering if anyone has used them and what they think. Got 2 of the PHW fly boxes on the way.
I believe the TFO PHW rod is the same as the TFO Professional. Just a different color.
More or less the same, maybe better guides and reel seat also. Same price, also. We carry them.
I went on a phw outing where we helped the guys learn to cast, and I was very impressed with them. I asked TFO what the basic rod is and they said it was a Professional.
I have the PHW 8 wt. I put a Lamson Konic reel on it with an 8 wt SA Bass Bug line. Fantastic combination, rod casts great. I really like the TFO rods I have. I have that one, and a 3 wt professional.
Yes the PHW rods are the same blank as the Pro rods, just a different color from what I have been told.
Thanks for the info., I’m pretty set on them. I did check out some of the TFO Pro rods here locally and they are very nice. I think my blue Elkhorn MA-2 will look great on the 5wt. Just gotta get the wife to buy off on it now… :lol: