Here I go again asking for advise/opinions on an item after I have placed an order for it. Things usually work out for the best anyway and it still helps to know what others think.
I recently purchased at a great price an 8 wt Spey rod thinking I could use my existing reel and line for this. Some of the folks here on the board set me straight and really helped me out and I realized the error or my ways This was an impulse buy and not meant to be a major investment.
So I found a member with a good spey line for sale and made the purchase. I also (now) have three 8 wt reels but none will hold the 130? line and sufficient backing (this all needed in case I hook that record breaking Steelhead or Salmon of coarse
I?ve done a ton of searching for as cheap a reel as possible with the right amount of line capacity. The TFO Prism reel (the 9/11) will hold 265? of 30# backing with a 10 wt line.
I couldn?t find another reel even close to it in price with the same line capacity. Also it has a cork disc drag! (whatever that is? I know what it is, I just don?t currently have a reel with a cork disc drag). This reel sells for 99.95 at Bass Pro, and around 130.00 from other suppliers.
I don?t get hung up on reels as long as they meet my needs and in this case (again for when I hook that record breaker? something with a good drag.
Do any of you own this particular reel or have any experience with it? Any feedback would be appreciated.
I own three TFO rods and if the quality and performance of their rods are any indication?
Thank You all kindly-------Grant