If that’s you…you’re prettier than the brown.
If I had tests like that in school my grades would have been a whole lot better. Great looking Brown trout!!!:mrgreen:
Larry —sagefisher—
Thanks nam, I got a good laugh, but it’s not me, and I’m not prettier than a brown. I am trying to figure out how to upload a picture so it shows the picture and not the link. I need help!! Any advice out there?
Tigfly -
You mean like this ???
Below the photo, there are four lines of “code”. Go to the last line and right click on it. You will get a menu to “select all.” Do so. Then click again and you will get a menu to “copy.” Do so.
Then go back to your FAOL thread / post, insert cursor where you want the photo, right click and hit “paste.”
See - even I can do it using your account.
Many ways to do it …I wud suggest …and it’s self explanatory…
http://photobucket.com/But then I see you have,click the the Img code, copy…and paste here.
John, I knew you would come to my rescue. Uh, this is me with my fish. My wife is prettier and she fishes better. I’ll post a few more in the reports section.
Nice catch. Nice fish too.