It was cold (to us) but the boys needed a fishing fix. We took to Tim’s Ford Dam and wet a line below the generator Wed. afternoon.
Tim’s Ford Dam Generator
Let me add the food is always great and I may need to buy new waders. Can you guess why?
Do they stink?
C’mon, neoprene stretches good. Just tug harder. Jim
Hey Jack, how early you guys going to be up tomorrow. It was in the 60s here, I was going nuts. Can hardly wait.
Tim’s Ford Dam. If you look real close you’ll see Warren and Doublewide out there in the middle.
Fishing was slow but the temp was in the 50’s with clear skys and light to stiff breezes.
Tommorrow we plan to hit the Duck River at Courtner"s Mill
As I recall, there are a couple REAL nice holes not too far downstream from the Mill. I can see it now.
Good fishin’ guys!
No Brad that is your Dept.
We will probably be up at 6 am. Come on down for breakfast!
Jack et. al., I’ll be very lucky to make it by noon. I’ll just head for Cortner’s Mill. Leave a coupla fish for me!
Hey guys keep the pics and updates coming!!! I enjoy being able to share in this with you folks!!! Well, the fresh bread pic is kinda cruel…lol I know that has to taste so good…
You guys have a great day…
I live 2 hours or so away and can’t go. My boss has been off and I had to wor… woops, I’m sorry this is a family site. I don’t want to use that ugly 4 letter word.
A good day on the Duck River at Cortner Mill, The fish count before lunch Tim caught 2, Joe had 6 Warren had 3 and Ron caught the one in the picture and 1 for myself, better than yesterday.
Tim Releasing a nice little 'bow below Courtner’s Mill
Tim at Saltpeter Bluff, Duck River
Joe at Saltpeter Bluff.
im had to head back to the frozen North so Warren, I, Rons81 and Joe headed out to try the Duck river below Normandy Dam.
While the water temp. was a chilly 43 degrees the air temp. was 68 by 1 pm.
Joe decided it was time for a nap!
Joe checking out a rental cabin on the river.
This fishing was slow but I finally broke my jinx and caught 2!