How many of us decide BEFORE we get to the water, how we are going to fish?
There are lots of methods that are successful for catching trout from moving water. Do you concentrate on what you know ‘works’ in your waters, or do you try new things?
Is it the ‘correct’ thing to wait until you get on the stream and then ‘decide’ or ‘figure out’ what the ‘most productive’ method will be? Or do you ‘care’?
Do you fish the same way, your ‘favorite’ method, all the time because it’s what you enjoy?
Do you read about or hear about a ‘method’ or ‘technique’ and think ‘I want to learn to catch fish that way’, and then go do that?
Do you decide that today, I’ll fish only dries, because I need work on that skill?
How may of us ‘only’ fish upstream? Anyone only fish ‘down’?
Do you consdier it a measure of your angling ability to have at your command reasonable skill at many different ‘tehniques’.
Do you think it’s commendable to be very good at catching trout in only one specific way? Say an ‘expert’ nymph fisherman, or an especially skilled dry fly artist?
Are you ever intrigued by ‘new’ methods? Does learning the ‘Czech nymphing’ technique interest you? Does using ‘new’ techniques increase your enjoyment of the sport?
Have you ever tied or purchased a ‘new to you’ fly and promised yourself that you would ‘learn’ to catch fish with it?
Would you rather catch all the fish that you ‘can’ using methods well known to you, or would catching just a few with a ‘new’ technique be more rewarding?
Is ‘figuring out’ what ‘works’ on a given day something that gives you pleasure? Meeting and overcoming the ‘challenge’ of fooling the fish that day?
Are you someone that would prefer to fish a given ‘method’, and take fish ‘only’ in that fashion, knowing that sometimes it won’t be ‘the’ method for that day?
Do you find that you fish a certain way on one piece of water, and an altogether different way on another?
We are all different in what we want, what we expect from a fishing day, and how we define a ‘good day’.
How do you think that ‘how’ you fish, when you decide ‘how’ you fish, and how many ways you ‘do’ fish relate to how well you fish and how skilled of an angler you perceive yourself to be?
Just curious about your thoughts on all of this.
Viva la ‘quotes’, RZs my hero.