Tears of thanks.........

And this is the picture that helps me remember the sacrifices made by some to assure the freedoms enjoyed by all. In a heartbeat, If I could, I would have been there to also embrace this young MARINE.


One of my favorite photographs. Thanks buddy.

There is nothing to say! The picture Said it all

I am so greatful for those who bore the battle; those who sacrificed all to purchase freedom. When I see the rows and rows of headstones I get weepy every time. I imagine the fear and terror that they must have endured, yet fought on. I love this country.

I was honered to spend Memorial Day with my son, Bob. Bob is a decorated combat veteran from 2 tours of Iraq with the Marine Corp.

He told me the story of one of his buddies that was killed in Iraq. He had never spoke of him before. After his telling of the story he just looked at me and niether of us said a word for several minutes. An eternity past between us in those brief minutes. For a fleeting moment I understood. For a short time he knew I had seen his soul.

A Memorial Day I will not forget.

Kerry, Thank you for sharing that private moment.

Every time I see this picture I can’t help but notice the look on the Sgt’s face.That soft face and smile of his,belies how much pain that man has experienced.

Believe me, his greatest pain is for those who DID NOT return, not his own…Just like Kerry’s son.

Marco…that sure is a nice picture. And it’s really nice to read that a lot of folks here at FAOL are in support of your men and women.

I too support our men and women in Afganistan. Like your boys in Iraq though, I ask myself the same thing Country Joe asked.
Devoting one’s life to country is what you sign up for when you join the army and it truly is admirable. What I have a problem with is the reason why we’re there. It just doesn’t seem clear-cut.

Both countries are in a state of police action, or so it seems, and that REALLY is not what men and women train to do in the army. Not that they CAN"T , but being police is not the job of an army.

It’s got to be SUPER HARD as well, to tell who the enemy is and who’s not. Not only that, but the soldiers are also trying hard to win the hearts and minds of the people they’re there to help. So on top of everything else these men and women do as soldiers, they have to be ambassadors!

I personally want every one to come back home. Safe and sound.

A vet said this on TV one Remembrance Day and it sums up why we all should NOT forget what every soldier has done:

" They gave up all their ‘tomorrows’ , for our ‘today’ ."


The job of an army is to obey orders and not to secondguess the mission. While you, a civilian, may have questions, there is no place for those in the theatre of war. Yes, I support our troops and in doing so I also MUST support their mission. To do otherwise is but a vacant ,meaningless gesture.
Having said that, this photo was posted to honor the sacrifices of our armed forces and NOT to question were those sacrifices justified.


I’m with you , Mark…thanks for sayng it…I was trying for a way to tell Larry to take it elsewhere.