Take Action Now - Urge Your Senators to Stop Harmful Provisions of HR 1

? Action Alert | February 23, 2011

[FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#333333]Dear Supporter,[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#333333]Please visit our online action center to urge your senators to kill the destructive provisions contained in HR 1, the House-passed Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government through the end of the year.

We urgently need your help to stop provisions in HR 1 which would 1) inflict severe and disproportionate cuts to federal funding programs which TU staff and volunteers rely on to accomplish our habitat restoration work, and 2) gut key natural resource agency conservation programs TU relies on protect and restore rivers and streams.

[COLOR=#1d7b0a][FONT=Georgia]WHY WE CARE

HR 1 is a disaster for trout. It took aim at a suite of natural resource programs that help protect trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds from mine waste, uncontrolled off-road vehicle use and other impacts. The bill also blocked the processes in place to restore vital watersheds like the Klamath River basin in Oregon and California and the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Additionally, it eliminated grant programs for fish and wildlife habitat restoration. But the Senate can fix it. Next week the Senate begins crafting its own CR, and has a great opportunity to do it right by sportsmen.


Please visit our online action center today and contact your senators. Feel free to use the model letter you will find there as a basis for your personal letter or email.

Also, read the TU press release for more information about the contents of the bill, and a group letter signed by 31 sportsmen conservation organizations opposed to it.


Steve Moyer
Vice President of Government Affairs
Trout Unlimited

Keith Curley
Director of Government Affairs
Trout Unlimited

Larry Harris
National Leadership Council


… Deb.

Better drink some now while you can still find clean water to brew it and clean skies to drink it under.


Looks like TU may have to start looking for other funding…maybe.

We’ll just have to wait and see what the Senate does.

I’ve already spoken to one of my senators about the issue, but TU and it’s funding was not on my mind at the time.

Good Luck!


If an organization is really needed or worth having it will survive on their own. We as a country (USA) are broke and there needs to be some sacrifice. Many people are unemployed or under employed. Our government (USA) is indebted to other countries. We (the USA) need to cut our spending so as we can continue our independence. Is this a permenant set back, we all hope not. But some action is needed.

My guess is that lawyers will do a good job of protecting people from health problems and from companies doing bad things.