Tadpole Overkill

Thought I would post a couple of pictures of the Tadpole I built for myself.

Ratan Grip…

Walnut reel seat with integrated cork check. Sliding band hardware made from brass and blackened …

Rust wraps, no CP, copper trim. Cow horn winding check…

Rod was stretched to 7 feet.

Sorry for the crappy pics…in a rush to take them…

That looks awesome Brad. And its never overkill if you like it.

Wow very nice. It goes to show you are only limited to your imagination. Very nice build

What a total HOOT!!! And I thought I was overboard when I made my reel seat into a down-locking one!!!:rolleyes:
Sure hope everyone who has a part in the swap will bring them to Michigan for the Fish-In!!

I’ll have it at the Fish In. I will also have it at the Midwest Fly Fishing Expo this weekend. Stop in at the Furling booth and I will give you a peek.


Very nice. My extra is going to be put together to be used as my daughter’s first fly rod. It won’t be anything as nice as you have put together, though.

I wanted to try a few things and I thought that the blank would be a good platform. I had never done a ratan grip…turned out it was not that hard. Great wat to use up some lower grade cork I had laying around.
I wanted to try a reel seat with the cork check as part of the seat. I thinks it is a good look.
The reel seat hardware started out its life as brass plumbing fittings, I bought 2 fittings for a total of $3.00 and I made 2 sets of hardware from them. They are not perfect, but it works for me.
For me, that is the fun part of building a rod…using bits and pieces that I have collecting dust that were never intended to be part of a fishing rod.


I have a friend who is gong through a lot right now. He has decided to quit drinking. He attends daily AA meetings. He likes fly fishing and fishing small streams. He sold his gear to by booze. My extra is going to him. I am making a label that is just the coin they give at AA for acheivements to add to the rod. I am buying a reel off of here to add to the rod and taking him fishing with it to celebrate his success. He will get the rod on March 28th. I know he will make it to sobriety.

Good on you Bob. Sounds like your buddy has a true friend.


Any words of wisdom you’d like to share regarding how you fashioned the reel seat hardware? I think it looks outstanding!

Here is what I started with…

And here are the parts before they are blackened

You can make 2 slip rings or 1 cap from each fitting. You nee to increase the ID on the fitting. I did this on my lathe. I soldered a piece of brass on the rear to plug the hole in the fitting. You could us antler, bone or even a coin.


Very nice, thanks for the great pics. Those come out very nice indeed.

Nicely done, Brad. Great to see that kind of creativity and craftmanship in rod building !!



Thanks for the kind words.

I am CHEAP. I figure if I can make it for less than half the price of buying it, AND have the satisfaction of making it myself, AND ending up with something that actually works…PRICELESS!


Nice work, Brad… I too like to build my own stuff… where can I find more info about rattan grips ? They have a great look, and I’d like to do some of 'em…Dan

Here you go…



Thanks, Brad…I’m on it. …Dan