In keep with the holiday tradition, this month’s theme is Thanksgiving. You may interpret that any way you want, whether it is using turkey feathers, ham, or your secret “sweet potato pie” fly.
We’ve lost a swapper, and maybe 2, so there are 2 open spots if we have anyone who wants to fill in for the 2 months of this years swap club.
ol’ blue - wild turkey
bassman - bullethead hopper - RECEIVED
feltsole - RECEIVED
ben - olive thorax dun - RECEIVED
ibrb - kings river caddis - RECEIVED
Sirrom - turkey tail nymph - RECEIVED
johnniewalker - adapted cow killer ant - RECEIVED
Danny gober - Great Lakes Comet - RECEIVED
deserttrout - Chili Pepper Avenger with Burnt Orange Turkey Marabou - RECEIVED
I will bite for a space. I can handle two months but 09 we will have to see as I am scheduled for a rotor cuff operation and then chemo for 48 weeks (not really chemo but have to take two meds that debilitate some of those that take them - in fact will be classified 100% disabled for the duration by the VA).
I will tie the Chili Pepper Avenger with Burnt Orange Turkey Marabou. How many do I tie?
You’re in. As for quantity, I will give you a final number tomorrow, but it looks like 10 for now. It might go as high as 12 depending on interest and how many sign up for the openings. I won’t let it go over 12 in any case, though.
We’ll have a new signup list for the '09 swap group in December, with priority given to current members of the '08 swap. So you can make a final decision in about 1 month.