It’s almost May so here is the swap “Style”.
For the “Oldtimers” here…Surprise I’m NOT doing my usual “Tiny” Swap, instead we will do a Varient swap.
In this swap take your favorite fly and do a varient of it You must change at least 3 materials of the reciepe, and still maintain the essence of the fly.
Here is mine.
Original: Griffins Gnat
Hook:Daiichi #1110 sz 20
Thread: Griffihs 14/0 Olive
Body:Peacock Herl
Varient: GGOS(griffins gnat on steroids)
Hook:Mustad#94833 sz14
Thread:UTC70d Olive
Bead: Gold Glass Iradescent
Tail: Pheasant Tail Crinkled Zelon w/Rainbow Krystal Flash
Body:Peacock Herl
Hackle: Olive Grizzly
As You sign up I will send You my address.
After thinking about it I’m in with The University of Tennessee Wulff. Mysister in law teaches there, John R works there, the guide I fish with in theSmokies attended there and I think the East Tennessee trout are worth the trip.
As my Announcing post is rather long I’ll list swappers here.
bdesavage:GGOS recieved
billhouk:[SIZE=1]University of Tennessee Wulff- Recieved[/SIZE]
sjo:Blue Dun Varient-Recieved
Rick Z: phesant tail varient-Recieved
Gigmaster:Pavo christatus Gotcha - Recieved
IBRB: Western Coachman-Recieved
Question: Would a different tying technique qualify as a variant? And what if the pattern only has two materials (three counting thread) total?
I’d like to do a pattern that I have developed that is a cross between a Wooly Bugger and a Chernobyl Ant. I call it (you guessed it…) a Chernobyl Bugger. It only has two materials, takes less than 3 minutes even for a novice to tie, and so far, it has caught bass, panfish and big trout like crazy.
I’ll tie a neat one up (all of my prototypes are sort of chewed-up, but they still work) and post the picture, if it’s OK for the swap.
I’d like to change my pattern, if it’s OK. After tying a few of these Chernobyl Buggers up, well…they still look like Chernobyl Ants, with no discernible differences. I’ll tie up some of my streamer variants…the Fire Tiger Streamer.
Hook: Cabelas Model 40 sz. 6-10
Thread: 6/0 Unithread, yellow
Body: Pearl mylar tinsel
Wing: Green bucktail, over yellow bucktail, over orange bucktail, with black stripes marked with Prismacolor marker.
Cheeks: Imitation junglecock eye
OK, this is the last time I will change my pattern. The Fire Tiger isn’t really a variation because (as far as I know), I came up with the pattern. Other than that, it’s just a generic streamer pattern.
This is another freshwater version of the Gotcha that I have been playing with. So far, it has worked well on bluegills, bass and trout.
Pavo christatus Gotcha
Thread: 6/0 Unithread black
Hook: Standard wet fly sz. 8
Tail: Craft Fur brown
Body: Ice Dub peacock
eyes: lead dumbell eyes X-small
Wing: Fox Squirrel tail, and a few strands of orange Krystal Flash
I think one of the reasons this fly works so good is that it sits on the bottom with the ‘head’ down and ‘tail’ up. To me, in the water it looks a whole lot like a really ticked off crawfish in the ‘pinchers’-up, “I’m gonna to bust your chops” attitude. I don’t think any fish can ignore that kind of challenge.
I’ll do a blue dun.
Original: hook 14, dry fly, tail 3 gray hackle fibers tied spread, body gray thread dubbed with gray hare’s ear, wings two slips off starling secondaries, hackle blue dun.
Variation: hook 14 dry fly, but 3 turns of gold thread, body gray heron wing quill, ribbed with the same gold thread that was used for making the but, wing bunchwings made off yellow wood duck, gray hackle.
It’s official, I will not get my flies done by month end. Work and out of town will make it impossible. Bill, it is up to you if you want to wait or I’ll just sit out this month. My apologies to all.