Swap of the month group signups/July swap

This signup is for a monthly swap that will take place every month from now until the end of 08. By signing up for this one, you will have to commit to tieing for a swap every month.

READ THIS BEFORE SIGNING UP: Do not sign up if you cannot fulfill your part of these swaps. Your flies have to be on time every month, and you have to complete every swap in the series. There will be a total of 8 spots for this series, and if you default on a swap or produce late flies without a genuinely acceptable reason, your spot will be offered to someone else to fill. I’ve been lenient on deadlines in the past, but because this is a series, I am going to be much more strict on this one.
However, if you have a month that you cannot complete, tell us BEFORE the month starts, and I will find you a substitute for that month only and you can keep your spot in the swap.

Standard rules apply. Send your toetagged flies in a crush proof container with return packaging and postage. NO METERED MAIL! I don’t require extras or other goodies.

If the swap fills and you want in, go ahead and put your name in, and I’ll keep a alternate list in case we have drop outs.

Swap of the month group:

  1. ol’ blue
  2. Danny Gober
  3. bassman
  4. feltsole
  5. kb8uvm
  7. mnklagoon
  8. ben

We are going to start with an easy July theme because the month is partially over already. July will be nymphs. Everyone needs to send 8 in to me by the end of July. I will announce the August theme during the last week of July.

July (nymph) patterns:

  1. ol’ blue - pheasant tail nymph variation
  2. Danny Gober - black alpaca - RECEIVED
  3. bassman - brassie - RECEIVED
  4. feltsole - dragonfly nymph - RECEIVED
  5. kb8uvm - pullback nymph - RECEIVED
  6. FISHNFOOL9 - Black-Gold bead nymph’s - RECEIVED
  7. mnklagoon - mercer’s cb wire body mayfly nymph - RECEIVED
  8. ben - hare’s ear special - RECEIVED

Future themes may include dry flies, warm water, buggers, terrestrials, etc. I would take suggestions for future month themes. Thanks!

Pictures are up for July:
July swap

Sign me up. I’ll tie a black Alpaca. Dan

Please sign me up I will start off with a Brassie, if that is ok. Thanks John

Please sign me up too. I have a couple of different patterns in mind but I have to check my materials first. -Jay

I’ll join and I’ll be tying “The Pull Back Nymph”.

Sounds great, sign me up please!!!
This is going to be awesome!!

Thanks Brian Hedekin


i know my flies dont rate with some others but…if you dont fill up i’d love to be in it.

You are all signed up. And to clarify, if you have a month that you cannot complete, tell us BEFORE the month starts, and I will find you a substitute for that month only and you can keep your spot in the swap.

One spot left!

ol’blue this sounds like fun i would like in if i may. this will be a good way to learn patterns i don’t normally tie. i hope im not too late.

You are in and the group is full. If anyone wants on the waiting list, speak up. It will be first come, first serve.

For those of you who haven’t declared a pattern for the July swap, be sure to tell us your pattern as soon as you decide.

i’ll tie the “mercer’s cb wire body mayfly nymph”

I’ll be tying a dragonfly nymph in size 10


Shipping info just went out via PM.

My Brassie’s are in the mail and on their way. Thanks again for letting be join in this great swap. And thanks ol’blue for being a fantastic Swapmeister. I did enclose a couple extra for the Swapmeister. John

thanks for letting me in on this one ol’blue, I will be tying a hares ear special #12

I have flies in from bassman.

Sorry I missed this one - looks like fun. I’ll try to be in on the 09 version!

Thanks for the update blue, and thanks again for letting me join in on this swap. John

Go on vacation for a couple of weeks with no computer and look what happens. :sad: Oh well, please put me on the waiting list.

You’re the first one on the waiting list.


  1. Sirrom
  2. ibrb