Swap of the Month-February

Since February is a short month I will get the ball rolling now. The theme for this month will be “The Caddis Fly”. Any caddis pattern of your choice (dry, wet, nymph). All standard swap rules apply. 12 flies with toe tags (user name and pattern info). When you post your pattern I will pm you my address.

“When mailing your flies, please send them in a strong enough and big enough box to protect them and to hold all of the flies you will be receiving back. Mark the box with your name and address and your on line nickname. Mail them at least 10 days before the end of the swap so they will get to the Swapmiester by the deadline date or earlier.include in with your flies a self addressed envelope that is strong enough for the fly box you send and will receive back. Include postage (please do not use metered mail strips on return envelopes) or money (I do not recommend sending cash) in the proper amount to send the flies back to you.”

  1. ol’ blue -CDC & elk caddis.Received
  2. Danny Gober - simple caddis Received
  3. bassman - cassed caddis Received
  4. feltsole - non official but effective caddis :slight_smile:Received
  5. bobbymojo- Elk hair caddis Received
  6. sirrom - Triple Threat Caddis Received
  7. nyfisherman -black caddis pupae Received
  8. ben-
  9. jdubach - Dark Caddis #12 Received
  10. ibrb -Copper Bead Micro Z- Wing Caddis size 16 Received
  11. FISHNFOOL9 Received
  12. Gigmaster-Ultra Wire Caddis Pupae.Received

This is only my second swap i have hosted so please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Also i would like to thank Ol’blue for putting together such a great swap.Cheers!!

Sounds terrific. I’ll post my pattern this evening when I get a chance to pick one. I’ll be tying a new pattern for me. Not sure what yet, but I’ll come up with something.

I have never tied an Elk Hair Caddis so sign me up!

Thanks for hosting Ben.


I will do a cased caddis. Thanks John

can i get in with a black caddis pupae thank you for the swap

My pattern will be Copper Bead Micro Z- Wing Caddis size 16

I’ll do a Dark Caddis (dark deer hair with yellow hackle). Probably a size 12 or close.

Put me down for an Ultra Wire Caddis Pupae.

Mine are ready to mail. Here’s what they look like:

Ultra Wire Caddis Pupae
Hook: Mustad Signature C67S 2x Heavy/3x Short #12
Thread: UNI-Thread 3/0, black
Abdomen: Medium Ultra Wire, green
Thorax: Alpaca Dubbing Fur, tan

I just got back from the Post Office. Mine are in the mail!

Gigmaster,that was fast. those are good looking flies.nice work.

I will be tying a CDC & elk caddis.

The recipe is:

Hook: #14
Thread: black 8/0
Body: peacock herl
Underwing: tan CDC
Wing: bleached elk hair

Weather permitting my flies will go into the mail tomorrow. Thanks again for letting me join in on this swap. John

my flies went in the mail today thank for the swap

Received flies from Gigmaster.

Received flies from Bassman.

Thanks for the update Ben Glad to see they made it ok. Thanks again for letting me join in on this one. John

Received flies from Ibrb.

I’ll be doing a simple caddis. Dan

Tying a variation of the Triple Threat Caddis (FOTW 3rd quarter 2004).
Should be done in a couple of days. Tying with a pinched nerve in the elbow is not fun!:frowning: