Swap of the month 2009 signup

This signup is for a monthly swap that will take place every month from now until the end of 09. By signing up for this one, you will have to commit to tieing for a swap every month of the year. We will begin in January, so once the swap fills, I’ll assign months to everyone. January’s swap will be listed in a new post when it is ready to start.

READ THIS BEFORE SIGNING UP: Do not sign up if you cannot fulfill your part of these swaps. Your flies have to be on time every month, and you have to complete every swap in the series. There will be a total of 12 spots for this series, and if you default on a swap or produce late flies without a genuinely acceptable reason, your spot will be offered to someone else to fill. I’ve been lenient on deadlines in the past, but because this is a series, I am going to be much more strict on this one.
However, if you have a month that you cannot complete, tell us BEFORE the month starts, and I will find you a substitute for that month only and you can keep your spot in the swap.

This year’s swap will have 12 people, and everyone will be asked to pick the theme for one month of the year. Your month will be randomly assigned. If you want to, you may even host the swap for that month.

Be aware when selecting your theme that there are 12 people from many different regions of the country. You have the potential of selecting a theme that may be extremely difficult or impossible to do for them. For example, picking a theme out of a specific tying book could be a problem, or flies specific to a local technique or body of water. If you have trouble selecting one, FAOL is chock full 'o folks who would love to share their opinions and offer suggestions. :cool:

Another note, toetags have gotten a bit sparce in some cases, so please be sure you submit your flies with proper toetags. Minimum info on the toetag is you FAOL username and the pattern name. If you don’t include a pattern on the tag, please post it on the swap thread for the appropriate month.

Standard rules apply. Send your toetagged flies in a crush proof container with return packaging and postage. NO METERED MAIL! I don’t require extras or other goodies.

If the swap fills and you want in, go ahead and put your name in, and I’ll keep a alternate list in case we have drop outs.

Swap of the month group:

  1. ol’ blue
  2. Danny Gober
  3. (bassman-We miss you, John!) JohnR
  4. feltsole
  5. wetflyguy
  6. sirrom
  7. nyfisherman
  8. ben
  9. jdubach
  10. ibrb
  12. gigmaster

Iwill take a spot if there is one !!


You are in. One spot left.

Ol Blue

I very much want to commit but am unable to to do so as I start therapy for HEPC in Jan. Teffects of this type of chemo can be nebulas or very bad for the one under going the TX. Therefore, I can’t say for sure if I can commit, so with heavy heart, I have to decline.

Stats show that 1 0f 5 Viet Nam Vets is inflicted with this virus that is uncurable but treatable. The Government will not declare it a service connected illness but they have stopped using jet guns in innoculating recruits since the mid 90’s. Not all of us Nam Vets were drug shooting/snorting maniacs we are made out to be. Do some research and write to your elected leaders about this travistry. I pity our trops in Iran/ Iraq and elsewhere as what do we know about the illnesses they may come down with in 30 plus years (like it has done for the Nam Vet).:confused:

sorry for my soapbox but the threat of the treatment effects and dying are all to real to me.
Just another VFW (Vet F… by Washington):evil:


My Christmas frogs are almost done.

You are removed, and if you decide to join in later, I’ll get you back at the top of the list. And I wish you good luck with your treatment and recovery.

2 spots left.

After my random assignments, monthly theme selection is as follows:

Jan - bassman
Feb - ben
Mar - nyfisherman
Apr - ibrb
May - jdubach
Jul - gigmaster
Aug - John R
Sept - Cal E. Batis
Oct - DManley
Nov - sanctyphillia
Dec - sjo

If you want to host the month of your theme, you can, but don’t have to.

You will also notice that my name isn’t on the list yet. I’m holding out for last minute backup as required. New swappers will be added on as they sign up.

Substitute list (in order of assignment):


Keep an eye out for January’s swap. Bassman has already given me his theme, and I’ll post the thread for it next week. However, please don’t send your flies until after the first of the year.

FISHNFOOL9 has decided to join in, so we have 1 spot remaining.

gigmaster took the last spot, so we are full.

Good evening. If any spots open up and you are in need of a replacement, please allow me to volunteer. I have been looking to get back into the swing of tying and this really looks great.



I have you as the first alternate. Chances are that someone will miss a deadline or drop out, so I’ll let you know as soon as that happens.

We are a ways off from July, but think “egg yarn.” Can be an egg pattern or be egg-containing such as egg sucking leech. Or can be a flesh fly or anything else as long as the egg yarn is a part of the fly. Doesn’t necessarily have to have an “egg” as part of it.

I will tie Randall Kauffman’s fresh roe fly. End of May I’ll post the sign-up along with my shipping address as it’s high time I hosted a swap!:smiley:

I know that July is considered “Fourth of July” time, but when you think about it, flies are due at the end of the month so July 4 has come and gone. Also, there seems to be a few “patriot” or “red white and blue” swaps on this board and others. With steelhead and salmon runs starting a few months later it might be good to give people time to study the patterns and tie their own supplies.

Just a quick bump to keep this current. Don’t forget to see when your month is to pick the theme (and host if you want to). If you want suggestions for themes, post here and we can come up with some interesting ideas. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Feathers only
Hair only
Large (oversized or just large patterns)
Color specific (i.e. yellow or team colors)
Old flies
new fly (pick a pattern you’ve never tied before)


I saw your note and wanted to ask if you have a list of who is assigned to which month. Since I was a late addition to the swap I want to make sure I do not miss my month.

Thank you,


Post 7 in this thread has the updated list. You are in for wetflyguy, so you have August for your month. Sorry I didn’t have that updated before.

Thank you very much!


Updated post 7 for theme responsibilities. Bump to keep current.