Anyone interested in doing another swap box? I’m toying with the idea, and wanted to see if there was any interest first.
If there is, I’ll start another thread with the signups and details. Also, any suggestions/recommendations would be welcome here, too, before I set up things.
Would I be required to have 100 posts before I participate like on another site?
If so, I better start gabbing.
No, not 100. That seems excessive. We haven’t had one here for a couple of years, and am not sure what other site you are talking about. I don’t get out much beyond FAOL for my flyfishing, though.
How about 50 (since I see your current level)?
OK, I gotta ask… for us uninitiated, what is a swap box?
John R
It is a box of FF related goodies. Tying materials, tools, a small set of flies, you begin with a box of stuff, mail it to the next guy in line, who removes what he finds useful, and replaces those items with an equal number of items of equal value. Then he mails it to the next person in line. It will allow you to trade some good, but neglected, items for other things that might be of use to you.
It should only cost you the postage to mail the box on to the next person in line for the swap. When it is over, it comes back to me, and we can call the swap over since I will stock the box with the original set of contents. It should start with a used fly line, beads, chenille, punch yarn, some scissors, some spools of thread, and some misc rodbuilding parts and whatever else I find to add to the collection.
I would be interested if you decide to do the swap. It sounds like fun.
ol’ blue,
Cool! I collect pipes (picture grandpa reading the paper on Sunday morning smoking a pipe by the fire). We do a similar thing calling it a box pass – swap tobacco, pipe tampers, lighters, pipes, etc. They’re a blast.
Thus, I would love to participate in this.
John R
ol blue
I’m in if you decide to do it!! My post count is way higher than it shows cause LF had to reset my account.
I was kind of kidding around about post count. I put 50 in the previous post because roygpa had 49 at the time.
I think as long as you have been active to some extent, I would rather assume the best of everyone here on FAOL until proven wrong.
The swap post is open.