Folks, this one will be a little different. You won’t get anything back as far as flies, but you will get the satisfaction of helping someone else out who is having a tough time. Check here first for details:
I’m looking for anyone interested in helping out a fellow flyfisherman who lost almost anything in a fire and has helped others in the past. Tie 6 flies of any pattern you like (and you can mix sizes) and send them in to me. I will package them in a new flybox, and then send them to Betty Hiner to give to him. Sign up here so we won’t mix patterns. I understand he fishes for anything and everything, so patterns are wide open. Please have flies to me by May 15. And as an added bonus, you all finally get to see me host a swap where I don’t require toe tags or return postage.
I will start up by offering my yellow and black bluegill fly, as well as some ray charles. Thanks in advance.
ol’ blue - bluegill special
ol’ blue - ray charles
Sagittarius62 - super silver minnow - RECEIVED
Sagittarius62 - fun fur conehead combo - RECEIVED
bassman - para-glen - RECEIVED
bassman - Sam’s one bugs - RECEIVED
gardenfish - soft hackles - RECEIVED
gardenfish - damsel nymphs - RECEIVED
biot midge - zebra midge - RECEIVED
biot midge - Deep Blue Poison Tungs - RECEIVED
night angler - pine squirrels - RECEIVED
cholcomb13 - prism stimulator - RECEIVED
cholcomb13 - metallic peacock spider - RECEIVED
14 Rick Z - boa yarn leech - RECEIVED
15 Rick Z - foam flies - RECEIVED
warrenp - reverse spider - RECEIVED
warrenp - woolly worms - RECEIVED
gqualls - midges - RECEIVED
gqualls - PTN - RECEIVED
gqualls - HEN - RECEIVED
gringo - deer hair emerger - RECEIVED
gringo - woolly bugger - RECEIVED
JZ - soft hackle - RECEIVED
JZ - secret flies - RECEIVED
ridgeliner - gurgle pop - RECEIVED
ridgeliner -gill gum drops - RECEIVED
27 gnu bee flyer - gill buster - RECEIVED
gnu bee flyer - stimulator - RECEIVED
trouthunter77 - misc - RECEIVED
thwack - tbd - RECEIVED
Jack Hise - misc - RECEIVED
Rainbow chaser - neon parachute adams - RECEIVED
Rainbow chaser - xcaddis - RECEIVED
RonS81 - hare and herle buggers , crappie candy, black gnats, mc ginties, black widow spiders - RECEIVED
You are both in. And for clarification, everyone doesn’t have to sign up for 2 patterns, but thanks to those who do. Also, I put a due date in the top post. Hope that doesn’t crimp anyone’s participation.
I’m just so proud of all of you folks. What a wonderful thing to do. Betty, please PM me with a mailing address, I’m sure the Birkholm library has some books looking for a good home. :lol:
Looking at the collection so far, to best complement it I think I would like to contribute 6 deer hair emergers and 6 woolley buggers as a memento from Oz.