SuperBOO IV report


I had requests from some of you for a report, and I just might have forgotten it. That, or I’m so tired from the SuperBoo- Great Waters Expo 1-2 weekend punches that I DID post and can’t find it. Grin.

Anyway, we held the 4th annual cane casting event two weekends ago and all went well. We stretched the event to all day, and color-coded the rod racks by rod length and put up corresponding charts, so anyone bringing in a rod to cast could arrange it with all the others, and anyone trying out the different rods could have some organization. Our high school fly fishing kids manned the food and t-shirt sales, earning enough for thier spring trip to Grand Lake Stream.

Over 100 anglers attended, and the rods are listed below. The concept is that cane rods are so varied and its so hard to get a chance to cast side by side to learn how they feel unless you’re a collector or a cane rod maker, that if anyone who just has one attends, everyone gets a chance. Grassroots cane :slight_smile:

We’ll have it again next year, weekend after the SuperBowl, and everyone is invited (no admission fee). October Woods / Sante is there (thank goodness for his generosity) as well as mer, other FAOLERS… you’d feel right at home.


SuperBoo IV 2007

under 6?11? (Red Rack Rods)

(length, line weight, taper/maker… owner)

6? 9? 3, 4-wt Garrison 193/Kathy Scott… Kathy Scott
6? 3? 3, 4-wt Wayne Cattanach / Peter Van Schaack… Pete Van Schaack
6? 3? 4-wt Paul Young Midge / Mike Tracy … Mike Tracy
6? 3? 4-wt PY Midge modified / Scott Chase… Anna Chase
6? 0? 3-wt Wayne Cattanach / Scott Chase… Erich Chase
6? 6? 6-wt PHY derived… Henry Mitchell
6? 6? 6-wt Orvis Rocky Mountain…Dennic Klipp
6? 10? 5-wt Green Mt Special/Vivian Shoker… Greg Ponte
6? 9? 3, 4-wt Kenealy Carrabassett… Greg Ponte

7? 0? tp 7? 11? (Green Rack Rods)

7?6? 4-wt VanSchaack… Peter VanSchaack
7?6? 5-wt Thramer DX… Dave Huntress
7?6? 4.5, 5-wt Dave Male… Ben Kahn
7?6? 5-wt Philipson edwards Gallsa… Peter Van Schaack
7?0? 4, 5-wt Payne 98/ David Van Burgel… David Van Burgel
7?9? 5-wt LL Bean 95th Ann. rod/Gary Lacey…LL Bean (Tark)
7?6? 5-wt Garrison derived… Henry Mitchell
7?6? 4-wt Orvis Midge… Ron Rothenberger
7?6? 5, 6-wt David Margolis… D. Margolis
7?0? 5-wt David Margolis… D. Margolis
7?6? 4-wt AJ Thramel E Powel… Emily Rothenburger
7?)? 4. 5-wt Payne 97/ David Van Burgel… Greg Ponte
7? 0? 4-wt Dickenson 7012/ Paul French… Greg Ponte

8?0? to 8?11? (Blue Rack Rods)

8?6? 6-wt Granger based/Larry Downey… Larry Downey
8?0? 4-wt Granger based/ Larry Downey… Larry Downey
8?6? 5-wt Pacemakers Philipson… Peter Van Schaack
8?0? 6-wt Payne 206/Scott Chase… Manning Chase
8?0? 7-wt Ray Gould Double para/ Mike Tracy… Mike Tracy
8?6? 6-wt Payne 106 /Scott Chase… Scott Chase
8?0? 8, 9-wt Dickerson 8015 G-spec/Scott Chase… Scott Chase
8?0? 5-wt Hollowbuilt Bob Maulucci Quad… Tim Soule
8?0? 6-wt Dickerson 8014/Scott Chase… Bob Newton
8?0? 6-wt Dickerson 8014/Scott Chase… Michael Jones
8?0? 5-wt Gene Edwards… Daniel Bean
8?0? 5?-wt Tim Marchetti… Bill Townsend
8?0? 6-wt Dickerson 8014/Scott Chase… Greg Ponte

Over 9?0? (Yellow Rod Rack)

9?6? 6-wt E F Payne… Ron (1Weight) Rothenburger
9?6? 6-wt Granger Victory… Ben Kahn
9?0? 7-wt FE Thomas ?Back Door? employee built c1932)…Dave Hedrick
9?0? 6, 7-wt Hedon #10… Matt Bolinder

plus Jeff Knapp?s Charles Wheeler, Sante?s rods!!!, and others not listed

Sante “Banjo” Guiliani: Here’s what I had reeled up and on display.

EF Payne 100H 7’6" 5 WT by Jim Payne
RL Winston 8’ 5 WT Archie Walker’s Rod by Doug Merrick
RL Winston 7’6" 4 WT by Merrick and Howells
Young Perfectionist by Paul Young 7’6" 4 WT Martha Marie Young’s rod
Experimental 7’ 4 WT by John Pickard based on Young’s Driggs River Special
Morris Kushner Formula B 5 WT 8’6" owned by Ed Lotspiech
George Halstead Trout 8’ 6 WT CA 1930
HL Leonard Catskill 3/4 WT 9’ HL Leonard CA 1905

Rods on display

John Gallas 5’6" 2 WT 1 piece
JB Daniels 8’6" 3/2 6 WT unfished in original stamped form case

All Dickerson rods made by Lyle Dickerson

Dickerson 7613 7’6" 5 WT 1950
Dickerson 8014 Guide 6 WT 1950
Dickerson 8615 5 WT 1952
Dickerson 901812 7 WT 1946
Dickerson 962013 SH date unknown
Dickerson baitcaster 1939

Great report Kathy! We missed you!
I guess while you were doing your thing, I did my thing. Bought some fly tying stuff and a couple of Freestyle H3’s from a local shop. While there he brought out this little 7’4wt two piece, two tip Tea Stick out. Nice flaming on it plus the reel seat and ferruls looked brass.
Took it out and casted it with the CFO and SYLK WF line and …you guessed it, I bought it. It feels very much like the Trout Bum of same length and weight. Very sweet! Of course I got your furled leader on it also.

Congratulations! Looks beautiful.

I’m honored you’ve included a furled leader :slight_smile:

And its first stream will be…?


I am so antsy to get out it might be my bath tub :lol: