Super cicada!

Well the recent cicada topic got me thinking of my own pattern. Sat at my bench for a good half hour, looking at a picture of a cicada and looking through my materials for an appropriate mimic. Much foam and many strands of rubber legs later, I have this!

The body is mainly black foam, under body is simply yarn with some wire. Then when the black foam reached the eye, I wrapped it down, cut out my wings, tied those on, and folded it back. Then I realized eyes might matter, and all I had that was brightly colored was yellow foam. So I cut a small strip, and cut round little edges on it and stuck that under the foam I would fold back and tie off. The legs were a no-brainer, longer back legs to support their long body, and short front legs.
Im sure if I had mono eyes it would look much better. Perhaps later I’ll sharpie the eyes red!
And took an under belly shot. The original is left, center is the new one. Just used black dubbing for the under body.