Super Bowl

34-13 Steelers cover.


The Packers will not lose today!

48-7 Arizona.

If you are gonna go, go big.


I wish ya’ll were closer - I’d give the Steelers and 21 points - or take the Steelers if I didn’t have to give any points. It will be interesting to see if both teams actually “show up” for the game ready to play. As long as it isn’t a blowout I’ll be happy.


Hey Greybeard, you can EASILY be “closer” via PM . We are all( ?) honorable men ( and ladies) here. :slight_smile:


I agree with Mark…At least there are TWO signs of intelligent life among all these football fans!..Right, Mark? :rolleyes: :stuck_out_tongue:


All the way :smiley:

I was going to make a lengthy post here but all I will say is Steelers will win a tight, well played game. It’s all in who has the better Defense on the field today.

I’ll give the National Anthem rendition a C+ . It was OK but a bit tooooooo slow and labored.

PS: So far the commercials are good
Steelers 10- Cards, bagel

Halftime sucked. Old bruce should think of hanging it up. Where is Janet Jackson and her “flash” when we need it.


I’m sort of enjoying the Puppy Bowl V !! Got some cute players this year! :stuck_out_tongue:

Halftime should suck…It’s a football game


I am still trying to get my heart going again. Congratulations to all of the players of both teams on what I think was one of the best Super Bowl games ever! There was enough lousy officiating for both sides this time.

We saw two true champions tonight. No doubt about it. The Cardinals and their fans have so much to be proud of. You will be around for a long time now as a top NFL team.

Congratulations to my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers on their 6th Super Bowl victory!

Great Game!

It was a great game.
As for the National Anthem, maybe SOMEONE will sing it as written before I croak! :mad: I am sick & tired of these barfy “song stylists”!!!
Commercials were pretty good. Doritos win IMHO.

I am with Mike on this thing about butchering The Star Spangled Banner. I know it is freedom of expression but there is such a thing as national pride and honor. Sing it loud, sing it proud and sing it right!

Awesome game, disappointing end but we are proud of our Cardinals here in AZ. Both teams played 100% both teams are winners!

As for the National Anthem, agreed someone needs to get the point across that the song is about the country not the singer. It would be nice to hear it song the way it is supposed to be song for once.

Well, considering who sang the National Anthem, I have to say I admired her strength. Yes, I wish someone would just sing it as written, but this time I’ll let it slide.

Great game by both teams. Great halftime show, I think the best ever at a Super Bowl.

Why do we have to disrespect our National Anthem time after time in the name of free speech?
Almost forgot…my Steelers won another bowl. The Cardinals were very worthy opponents. I don’t care what anyone says or what record they brought into the game. You don’t get to the Big Game by playing mediocre football and they showed it. I have great respect for Whisenhunt.

I hope the Steeler Nation enoys the win with class.

Its not that the national anthem was BAD. It was sung quite well. The part I didn’t like was that it became impossible to SING ALONG.

I don’t think I watched a professional football game all year. Well, maybe one. But I watched the game yesterday, and I was very impressed with both teams, and the way they played under incredible pressure. I hope (fellow Iowa boy) Kurt Warner sticks around for a few more years. He made incredible pass after incredible pass… 10 completions in a row at one point…against a GREAT defensive team. The officiating was suspect, but the calls that needed to be reversed did (except maybe the one lame “roughing the passer” call), and the ones that should have held, did. So, what more can you ask for?

The last play of the first half was WILD, and ended up making a big difference, but both teams had a chance to win it at the end. I would have liked to have seen what would have happened had Warner been able to get his last pass away on their last possession of the game.

Congrats to the Steelers for pulling it off. Cardinals…you played VERY well, and left it all on the field. Well done, fellas! All in all, it was a very fun game to watch, and well played on both sides.