Super Bowl food?

Our food will be this Smoked Turkey which I started at aprx. 6:00 AM
Hard and Onion/Kaiser rolls
Three cheeses (Sharp Cheddar, Swiss, and Munster)
Homemade Baked Beans
Chips with dip, and a Rotelle Cheese sauce.

What are your snacks gonna be?

BBQ Sandmitches

Virgin Margaritas

Corn Chowder Dip

Go Steelers!

Corn Chowder dip? That sounds AWESOME! I’m getting hungry!

Guys, that’s not going to be enough when we all get there. Better put a couple more turkeys, half a hog or a side of beef on too. Some sweet iced tea would be good too.

Got any fresh fried chittlins?

Honey glazed spiral cut ham, Cattle drive chicken chili, hot wings, deviled eggs and cookies. Our german friend is bringing her potato salad and saurerbraten. Eddie Clark will be toting a Marie Calender’s banana cream pie. Iced tea, fresh roast Brazilian coffee, and lots of Pepsi Max. Should be enough to get us through the first half. Then maybe we’ll order pizza.

Go Cowboys, 2012