Super article

January issue of Fly Fishing and Fly Tying magazine out of the UK … Furling Your Own

How to’s; pictures; formulas

I clicked on the article but it wouldn’t open. Do I have to pay to see the article?

Oh, heck! I have the article, and will go through it/paraphrase it and post it here. I’m sorry it didn’t open!

Great article, I have been getting U.K FlyFishing & FlyTying since the mid 90’s. Always a great read!

If you want the article I can pdf it for you

Pm your email

Normand, that would be great. You could post on the BB or pm me with the PDF. thanks for your effort:)

Why not post it for the benefit of all?

aged sage

the pdf file is 2.37 mb which exceeds the limit for attachments on this board

you cant pm a pdf file for whatever reason

Betty and Normand, thanks for your efforts. I’m pretty pleased with the leaders I have been making but am always interested in what others have to say.:wink:

Posting an article from the UK magazine my run afoul of copyright infringements and other issues. You folks that subscribe to that fine publication, I am soooo envious. It’s a great publication, just beyond my means at the moment.


REE, it has been my understanding that if the article was shown in quotes with full credit and not used for profit it could be reprinted…
sometimes the article will say outright, no use without authors/publishers written permission, but without that?

I would say that as a matter of courtesy, the author and/or publisher should be asked if he/she could be contacted.

If ya will I would like a copy

i dont subscribe to this magazine but you dont have to be a millionaire to buy a single issue at your local big box bookstore :wink:


This might be similar:


It’s better, Kat…thanks.

That looks strangely familiar!!! Thank you, Kat!!

is that the article with the corrected measurement mistakes?? if youre a subscriber to the magazine a corrected pdf is available

here’s a formatted copy of the article Kathy posted: . . . doesn’t really change anything, just looks a little purtier.

The ‘measurement mistakes’ in the FF&FT article were apparently layout errors on the magazine’s part and shouldn’t be evident in the Hoylake Flyfishers version . . .

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