I am looking for a place preferable online where i can buy a sun mask. When i was in the Keys last spring my guide had one and recommended I get one for this year. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Every time i google it i get nothing.
Now all Toadsfly has to do is remember to put the mask on (or some strong PF sunscreen) at least by the time your shadow becomes shorter than you are tall. Then reapply a time or two until such time as your shadow is longer than you are tall. (Old rule of thumb.)
I usually put the sunscreen on, even if the sun isn’t up, before I leave the house. I have to do that in case I get wound up at catching fish or chatting with the guys/gals and somehow forget. That way I’ve at least got some protection until I can remember.
One way or another, I think most of us “older” types are payin’ for our years in the sun. Better late than never to protect what skin we do have.