Suggestions requested for Michigan Fish-In

I recently sent the revised schedule for the 2007 Michigan Fish-In to Ladyfisher and she has updated the page to include the new information. Please go to that page to see all the fun already planned!

Ladyfisher suggested having a “bamboo” day, where those who had them could concentrate on using them and then we could have a “show & tell” session at the end of the day. I suggested Thursday for that, since there are several people who won’t be in until Wed.

Rusty Gates has agreed to do a presentation on Tuesday evening. At this point he hasn’t made up his mind if it will be a fly tying demo, or a discussion about his book or the AuSable. It has been suggested to me that if he decides to do a discussion on the AuSable that maybe we could videotape (digitally). To do that we would have to have someone who has a digital videocamera, and get the approval for that from Rusty. If someone has the camera and is willing to do it (and will be there on Tuesday evening) I will get with Rusty to see if that’s all right by him.

Another suggestion was put forward to me by Jim Flamming to have a “movie” night with the following suggestions for movies: " I am not talking about that mess that Robert Redford made a long while back (the book is a thousand times better than the movie). I would love to see “Trout Grass” and there are a couple of movies that have recently been made about the history of the AuSable, I believe the North Branch in particular. There is also a new film out on the life of Morris Kushner, who was a prominent Michigan bamboo rod maker. Perhaps that could perfectly cap off the bamboo day, which I think is a spectacular idea. I do not own these movies, but perhaps someone in the group does. If not, it may make a good excuse for buying them. Perhaps I could even be talked into making some kettle korn (no promises though)."

If anyone who will be attending the fish-in and has any of these movies and is willing to bring them please let us know!

Your fish-in committee is open for suggestions for other fun things to do. Currently Tuesday “day” is open, as is Saturday and Sunday. All suggestions are appreciated, even if they are things we can’t or shoudln’t do!

Jean DeSavage

If we have that movie night going, (I,for one, do not eat popcorn), I would be willing to make a bunch of buffalo wings as an additional munchie. I just can’t remember whether or not there is a stove in that big room. I will bring my deep fryer, but I also need a stove or hotplate so I can cook the sauce into 'em.

I assume the lights will be out when we watch a movie…I have never eaten a buffalo wing in the dark…I can hardly keep from dousing my self in flaming orange wing sauce in a lighted room…it will be intersting in the dark…hey, turn the lights on, I got wing sauce in my eye!..on my pants!..down my shirt! Oh well, were camping.

Hmmm… saucy Buffalo wings, whiskered face, darkness… Methinks that this could end up looking like a Three Stooges act.

I have to hand it Ohio Tuber, he is a man with a sense of humor.
I think that we should all give him a friendly pat on the back right after the lights come back on. :twisted:
(At least it will save on paper towels.)

Are you with me, Jonezee?



Awsome Ideas!! I was worried that my move to TN would hurt the MI Fish-In! That was only an ego trip I guess as you guys have come up with so many great ideas that will only make it better!! What a wonderful bunch you are!!
P.S. You and Bety Hiner are my favorites. However, Ladyfisher has my heart!!

Jack, YOU CAN’T BE REPLACED we are scrambling to make it as good as you would.


and yet again