It’s Venting & Ranting TIME!!! :smiley:
No Politics or Religion or Government.
Let’s hear about what ticks you OFF!!! Drivers, Commercials etc…

So many gripes and so little internet space. :shock:
Where to start and when to shut up?!
I just dont know. :shock:
Maybe its my indecision that just gets to me. Or not. :?

DShock (are you happy that I got it right again??).
What Perch said!

Take your time! Get yourself together MAN!!! You’ll get Focused!!!
Doug :smiley:

I FORGOT to say! “NO copying other people’s replies!!!” :lol:

Woops - - Sorry Doug I thought you were talking about me.


YOU GUYS!!! Are making me lose confidence in my posting ability!!! :frowning:
Doug :smiley:

Doesn’t matter anymore

Computer Stupidities
Of course I have never done ANY of this stuff!! :lol:




I FORGOT to say! “NO copying other people’s replies!!!” :lol:

Really? I guess what really gets to me is people venting and ranting on the Internet… :shock:


I’m Dyin’ Here!!! :lol:

OK Doug,
I have focused,pulled myself together and yes I do have a gripe!
The other day I was headed down stairs and got as far as the landing.
I stopped on the landing and started to laugh.
My wife heard me and asked what was so funny?
I had to ( I dont lie :frowning: ) reply that I was headed downstairs to get somthing and stopped on the landing cause I couldnt remember what it was that I was going to get. No point in going on .
My first , genuine , middle aged brain f*rt. :shock:
I have finally had the first of many. :frowning:

52 is far to young for this sort of thing to happen to ME.

perch…you’d better be careful now…just don’t lay any tools down…

I’m 53.9 and it happens to me sometimes! I’m VERY stubborn about it also! If I walk in a room for something and I forget, then I’M NOT LEAVING the room until I think of it!!! :shock:
So, your normal!!
Doug :smiley:

What’s the big deal anyway? I’ve been doing that since I was 35! Now what were we talking about? Why am I here? Here, where is here? Who am I!!! Oh Wow, I think I need help! But why? Hmmmmm I think I’ll get something to … Oh never mind!!

You’ve been doing this stuff for THIRTY YEARS??? :shock:

Make that 1 week short of 32 years!!
I don’t think the “why am I here” or “what was I going to do” problem have anything to do with age. It’s mostly distractions on the way to carry out the task. This morning I had to get something out of the car. first I poured another cup of coffee, noticed that the flowers could use a little water, the grass would need mowing soon and "Wow, look at all the snail tracks on the sidewalk! Better refill the Hummingbird feeders! Gee it"s such a beautiful day I’m going fishing! Is all my gear loaded? Where will I go? Now I’m standing in the garage wondering why!! It did finally come to me and I got what I was there for. Now I couldn’t find my coffee cup!! I think the brain sort of overloads and can’t handle that much input in just a few seconds so it shuts out all but the important tasks. “Going to get something out of the car” was all that remained!
Later when I left for the Duck River I remembered to water the flowers but there was this huge swarm of small light blue butterflys all over the flowers, awsome!! So I forgot to take a hat!
I do make notes of things to do but then I forget the notes!!??

POST IT notes are a part of my life! And the calendar!

Hi Jack,
That sounds like a “Normal” Day for me and I’m only “Sweet” 16, Pay No Attention to what my 38 year old Daughter say’s!

GLAD I had this Handy STUPID Post to reply with this heart warming story about a boy and his beer and his snake.
It’s stories like this that make me very happy I’m sober!
Doug :lol: