Stuck Ferrule, first boo

I just received a bamboo rod from my father :smiley: it is 50 years old and unfished. He bought it in Japan in about 52.

I posted her beceause of a stuck ferrule but remembered some advise to another poster a year or so ago and unstuck it.

OK how do I take care of this rod?



Care of a bamboo isn’t much different from the care of graphite or fiberglass or truthfully anything that is 6’to 9’ long and mearuring in the 64ths of an inch a the tips.
Put rods in their socks female ferrules down unless you have ferrule plugs. Of course tips go males down.
Never drop a rod into its tube you can damage the ferrules. Or a guide if it catches on the tube edge.
When removing a rod from it’s tube make an O ring with your fingers and pull the rod through that . Less chance of ripping off a guide that way.
If a rod has a 2nd tip the unused tip goes back in the tube.
Alternate tips on your trips to prevent sets.
To clean that ferrule so it doesn’t stick again try wiping the male with a soft cloth with a little alcohol on it and the female with a q-tip. Don’t get the alcohol on the bamboo itself. Never use steel wool or sandpaper unless you really know what your doing.
Do not use anything to lubricate your nickle Silver ferrules they are designed to be fit dry.
Never twist while putting your rod together or taking it apart.
After fishing, dry your rod with a soft cloth, NEVER put it back in its tube wet. I know yours came in a box but for future rods.
Check your guides to make sure they are still smooth use a piece of nylon from old panty-hose or a Q-tip if the guides are not smooth they will tear up your line and should be replaced.
If you hear or feel a clicking while giving your rod a shake or during casting you probably have a loose ferrule and the rod may break at that spot.
The Japanese rods of that era were pretty poorly made, sorry to say, so I wouldn’t advise you to put much money into a restoration. If your rod is fishable enjoy. If not since it belonged to your dad display it.
Hope that helps,

Thanks Tom the rod is as new (box worn never fished) and casts a six weight well. I know that the rod isn’t High quality, Im going to fish it a few times and then hang it on the wall, at least thats the plan at this point.
