How do you think the Struble and Bellinger reel seats compare?
Which would you pick?
Duckster, Id go with Bellinger. Course Im a little biased because Ive been to Chets shop. He is a true craftsman who wont let 2nd rate out the door. My 2cents
Struble however, IS a Sponsor here.
Most of mine are Struble.
I’d have to go with Struble.
Ducksterman, you’re on a roll with your threads.
Struble has some nice looking hardware but I think Bellinger has far superior inserts. REC also makes some really nice seats and have a huge selection of hardware and inserts, plus they’re a sponsor. I tend to think of REC and Bellinger as equal in seat quality. For around $50 I would probably go with a Struble, but for high end my choice would be REC or Goldenwitch for cap-and-ring styles.
I like the Bellinger reelseats more than the Struble ones. Of course, I work at Bellinger, so I’m definitely not the right guy to be asking this question
Joe Martin
- The cats oughta the bag now! One day soon well be able to buy a rod that Martin made. Glad ya got it out in the open Joe. Its been drivin me nuts :lol:
I must be on the fringe. I had used Pac Bay on plastic rods. My bamboo rods are built with Venneri seats. Most recent cap and band from Golden Witch. I no longer make graphite rods. So many rods, so little time. Each of the reel seats seems to have unique characteristics. Gerry L
Most times I use reelseats that I make unless a customer request a specific seat from either Bellinger or Struble. I normally make every part of the rod except the snake guides and tip-top. I am in the process of making the tools to make the snakes.
Photojoe Martin…you lucky dog!!!
Struble’s wood inserts are vastly improved over the past 6 months or so. Also, stabilized wood inserts are coming and are they things of beauty !
Cheers, and Happy Holiday,
I like Bellinger of the 2,but the last 2 reel seats I have bought came from REC