Stripwing flies

A week or two ago I posted some March Browns which were the first stripwing flies I had tied. This past week I saw an unnamed stripwing on the front of a fly magazine that looked nice and decided to replicate it. In trying to get some ideas of how to do so, I started looking into the atlantic salmon fly section here on FAOL and found a nice section on tying stripwings and full feather paired wing flies. Here are a couple that I tied up. They don’t quite look like the one I had seen on the magazine cover but they should work. I tied up some of the first fly that is posted below in size 20 to imitate and emerging caddis for the eastern sierras. We’ll see how it work out. The last one might need a bigger wing. Let me know what you think.


Nice style. Very “old-timey”. Does the one on the bottom have a name or recipe?

Geat looking!

I assume something similar has been tied before and may have a name, but I made this one up just using what I had available. I called it the “Peacock and Grey” going with an"old-timey" like name to fit the style. I used partridge barbules for the tail, black thread for the body, silver wire for the rib, peacock for the thorax, starling wing feathers for the wing and partridge for the hackle. It’s a pretty simple tie. The hook was a tiemco 200R size 12 if I remember right.
